Granny Kempock Standing Stone – Gourock, Scotland - Atlas Obscura

Granny Kempock Standing Stone

Gourock, Scotland

An urban megalith steeped in local lore. 

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On a small rocky crag behind Gourock’s busy main street, a mysterious standing stone faces the sea. Looking a little out of place amongst the modern tenements, this ancient Megalith is steeped in superstition. 

The stone was often visited by sailors and fishermen, who would circle the stone seven times while chanting to ensure favorable winds and a good catch. Newlyweds would also visit the stone in hopes of a successful marriage. This practice is near impossible now as the stone is protected by iron railings to prevent vandalism. Legend has it that in 1662, a local witch named Mary Lamont was burned at the stake after she danced around the stone and cast spells on passing ships. 

Know Before You Go

The lane leading to the stone has an ornate iron arch indicating where the stone is located. The stairs up the lane might be a bit steep for those with mobility issues.

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August 30, 2019

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