Kentucky's Stonehenge
Munfordville, Kentucky
A local scoured more than 1,000 acres for stone to create his masterpiece.
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Kentucky’s Stonehenge is the creation of Munfordville native, Chester Fryer. After scouring over 1,000 acres of nearby Hatcher Valley, Fryer relocated nearly every large rock he could find in order to create his masterpiece.
All of Fryer’s rock creations are on display on the grounds of his Munfordville estate. In addition to displays resembling the world famous Stonehenge, the estate is divided into several other rock displays including: Earth Mysteries, The Garden of Gethsemane, Rock Gardens, and Rock Park.
Know Before You Go
The sculptures are located on a quiet street in someone's yard. You can park on the street and are free to walk through and look, but do not touch or climb the rocks. There is no cost and you can visit from dawn to dusk.
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July 11, 2016
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