The Lost Arm of F. Stewart
Paradise, Texas
In Paradise Cemetery resides a mysterious headstone with a strange inscription.
Grave of the Lost Arm of F. Stewart
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In the back corner of the quiet Paradise Cemetery in Paradise, Texas, is a gravestone that simply reads “Lost Arm of F. Stewart-Sept. 27, 1910.” No other gravestones nearby indicate where the rest of Stewart’s body is buried. Very little is actually known about why the arm is buried under the headstone, why it exists, or if anything at all is buried at the site.
Know Before You Go
Paradise, Texas about an hour northwest of Dallas and the cemetery is just west of town. The gravestone is located near the southwest corner of the cemetery. The approximate location is 33°09'07.98"N 97°41'49.76"W.
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October 6, 2019
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