The World’s Shortest International Bridge
Esperança, Portugal
You can cross from one country to another in a single hop on this little bridge.
The World’s Shortest International Bridge.
Though it measures only 10.4 feet long (3.2 meters), this bridge spans two countries.
Funded by the European Union, the tiny wooden piece of infrastructure was built in the first decade of the 21st century by laborers from both the Spain and Portugal sides of the stream.
The little bridge links the Spanish municipality of La Codosera with the Portuguese Arronches. Given its petite size, the bridge is largely for pedestrians, not automobiles, though two-wheeled vehicles may use it as well.
The title of World’s Shortest International Bridge is often erroneously awarded to the bridge that spans the United States-Canada border on Zavikon Island. The Portugal-Spain bridge is at least 13 feet (4 meters) shorter than its North American counterpart.
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