The Atlas Obscura Guide To Salinas
3 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do in Salinas, California
Updated June 20, 2024
Atlas Obscura Itineraries
Discover the Surprising and Hidden History of Monterey County
Sponsored by See Monterey
Monterey County, nestled on California’s stunning Pacific Coast, is a treasure trove of lush landscapes and breathtaking ocean views. But beyond its natural beauty lies a rich tapestry of human history waiting to be explored. Hike a National Historic Trail while learning about the area's Indigenous communities; watch a thrilling race at the storied Laguna Seca Raceway; and get lunch at a restaurant that epitomizes the Oaxacan presence in Monterey. This itinerary will take you to museums and reserves across the county and its thousands of years of human history.
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