m8050555's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Innichen, Italy

Bagni Wildbad

Crumbling ruins of the thermal baths that once attracted royals and aristocrats from throughout Europe.

The Alpine Wall

A line of abandoned, alien-like fortresses dot the mountains of North Italy.
Cave del Predil, Italy

Cave del Predil

With its mine closed, this old village is starting to resemble a ghost town.
Caorle, Italy

Campanile del Duomo di Caorle (Bell Tower of Caorle Cathedral)

A cone-shaped top and cylindrical body set this 900-year-old structure apart from other Italian bell towers.
Palmanova, Italy

Palmanova Star Fort

A star-shaped fortress town fort built in the geometric model of the Renaissance utopian city.
Borgo Grotta Gigante, Italy

Grotta Gigante

One of the largest caves in the world open to the public.
Trieste, Italy

Faro della Vittoria (Victory Lighthouse)

One of the tallest lighthouses in the world also serves as a monument to the fallen of World War I.
Piazza, Italy

Giardini del Belvedere

Inside this park resides a giant clock tower and ancient sundial that overlook the town below.
Mantua, Italy

Mantua Cathedral (Cattedrale di San Pietro)

The seat of the Mantua bishop holds many secrets within its walls.
San Donato di Ninea, Italy

Grotta di Sant'Angelo

The ruins of a rural church and a statue of Archangel Gabriel are tucked away in Majella National Park.
Roccastrada, Italy

Cripta di Giugnano

Visit a secretive crypt before it crumbles to dust.
Rome, Italy

Orto Botanico di Roma

An oasis of beauty, tranquility and botanical research in the middle of Rome.
Bolzano, Italy

Funivia del Colle (Kohlerer Bahn)

The first passenger cable car in the world.
Oriolo Romano, Italy

Palazzo Altieri

This palatial building houses a remarkable gallery of papal portraits.
Padua, Italy

Prato della Valle

One of the largest squares in Europe contains an entire artificial island.
Alessandria, Italy

Cittadella of Alessandria

One of the best-preserved modern fortresses was part of a pivotal moment in the Italian Risorgimento.
Matera, Italy

Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (Center for Space Geodesy)

One of the few places of its kind, this space research center sits deep in the countryside of Matera.
Ortucchio, Italy

Fucino Space Centre

The largest civilian satellite control center in the world is located in the middle of a drained lake.
San Biagio Platani, Italy

Arches of Bread Festival

Every Easter, a small Sicilian town builds a stunning cathedral out of bread.
Turin, Italy

The Dome of San Lorenzo

The intricate geometry inside this Baroque-style dome was designed to create "terror of the human soul."
Turin, Italy

Portone del Diavolo (Devil's Door)

This sinister Baroque entryway could lead you to a terrible fate.
Schnals, Italy

Campanile di Curon

Bell tower juts out from a village buried under a lake.
Florence, Italy

Buontalenti Grotta

A large grotto built in the 16th century amidst Florence's famous Boboli gardens.
Florence, Italy

Studiolo Francesco I de’ Medici

Secret refuge and museum of the Duke of Florence.