emanuelemannocci's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Gubbio, Italy
Places added to Gubbio, Italy
Places edited in Gubbio, Italy
Places added to Slovenia
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Florence, Italy

Stibbert Museum

Art and armour fill every inch of this rich kid's Italian villa.
Prato, Italy

Musciattino's Hand

A local legend says the theft of a holy relic explains the hand-shaped bloodstain on the facade of this cathedral.
Poppi, Italy

Castello di Poppi

During World War II, a number of important sculptures and paintings were moved to this castle for safekeeping.
Sorano, Italy

Vie Cave

This network of roads is one of the most unique Etruscan creations ever discovered.
Siena, Italy

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

First founded in 1472, this is the oldest bank in the world. Its history may explain why we call financial institutions "banks."
Magdeburg, Germany

Grüne Zitadelle (Green Citadel)

The architect of this fanciful complex called it an "oasis for humanity and nature in a sea of rational houses."
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Split, Croatia

Dioklecijanov Akvadukt (Diocletian Aqueduct)

This ancient Roman aqueduct once funneled water to Diocletian's palace.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

'The Area With Ljubljana's Own Weather'

A public work of art that also provides some relief from the summer heat.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
London, England

Trafalgar Square Imperial Measurements

These official units of measurement—including chains and perches—lie hidden beneath tourists' feet in a popular London hub.
London, England

Peter Pan Statue

A statue marks the exact spot where The Boy Who Never Grows Up made his first literary appearance.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna Centrale Station Clock

Time has been frozen at this station since the bombing in 1980—or so it was believed.
Florence, Italy

Statue of Fernando I

A plaque on the base of this statue holds a bewitching design.
Florence, Italy

The English Cemetery

Many famous English poets including Elizabeth Barrett Browning are laid to rest at this Swiss-owned cemetery in Florence.
Milan, Italy

Torre Velasca (Velasca Tower)

A brutalist gem towering over the heart of Milan.
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most

Bridge that died in war and was resurected.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Niels Bohr's Grave

The final resting place of one of the brightest physicists of the 20th century.
Copenhagen, Denmark


This contemplative sculpture made out of old machine parts is meant to be the first in a series of sculptures around the world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Genetically Modified Little Mermaid

Hans Christian Andersen for the postmodern world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Spain


Hundreds of stone stairs and a winding medieval bridge connect this haunting Spanish island to the mainland.