m8050555's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gadoni, Italy

Sa Stiddiosa

Greenery covers the face of a gently-dripping waterfall deep in the mountains of central Sardinia.
Labante, Italy

Grotte di Labante

South of Bologna, a limestone grotto with a protruding waterfall and a floor full of cave pearls.
Botriolo, Italy

Balze del Valdarno

Leonardo da Vinci was one of many to find inspiration in this unique, rocky landscape in Tuscany.
Gandino, Italy

Museo della Basilica di Gandino

This museum is home to 22 panes depicting skeletons dressed in colorful garments.
Tirolo, Italy

Erdpyramide in Tirol

These unique "earth pyramid" clay columns can be found in ravines around the village of Tirolo.
Forno, Italy

Filanda di Forno

The crumbling remains of a 19th-century textile factory.
Varallo, Italy

Sacro Monte di Varallo Sesia

A 15th-century park that recreates a bit of the Holy Land in Italy.
Colzate, Italy

Santuario di San Patrizio

Distressing images of the Last Judgement adorn the walls of this medieval sanctuary.
Palermo, Italy

Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum of Palermo

This unique museum is home to over 5,000 puppets of all types.
Bagolino, Italy

NATO Troposcatter Station IDGZ

This abandoned IDGZ station was one of 49 troposcatter stations in the NATO ACE High network.
Bergamo, Italy

Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards

Beautifully decorated tarot cards from the Middle Ages.
Bagolino, Italy

Bagolino Old Cemetery

An ancient cemetery hides behind a line of disparate chapels.
Lainate, Italy

Area di Servizio Villoresi Est

This Volcano-like rest area was designed by architect Giulio Ceppi built according to energy efficiency and ecological footprint standards.
Romano di Lombardia, Italy

Church of San Rocco

Hundreds of plague victims were buried beneath this small, rural church.
Pietragalla, Italy

Parco Urbano dei Palmenti

Though they look like Hobbit houses, these semi-underground stone structures were built for winemaking.
Calcaferro, Italy

Antiche Miniere di Calcaferro

An old mining site that is slowly being reclaimed by nature.
San Pellegrino Terme, Italy

Casino of San Pellegrino Terme

This lavish 20th-century casino adorns labels for San Pellegrino water.
Bergamo, Italy

Ex-Chiesa di San Michele all’Arco

Angels and demons watch over newspapers in this deconsecrated church.
Gaiazza, Italy

Percorso Verde Ex Guidovia (Former Tramway Greenway)

Hike along an abandoned railway up to a popular pilgrimage site.
Lido, Italy

Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria

An intricate ceramic tile facade adorns this five-star hotel.