mbqccd46mp's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Braga, Portugal
Places edited in Glastonbury, England
Places edited in West Sussex, England
Places edited in Devon, England
Places edited in Totnes, England
Places edited in Braga, Portugal
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Derbyshire, England

Chatsworth House

Seat of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire for centuries.
Bekesbourne, England

Bekesbourne Tetrahedra Field

An anti-tank graveyard in the English countryside.
Biddenden, England

Biddenden Maids

Eliza and Mary Chulkhurst were the first famous conjoined twins in England, but it's not clear when they were born.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Zanzibar's Night Market

After sunset the heart of Zanzibar's historic Stone Town neighborhood transforms into a culinary playground.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

The House of Wonders

In Zanzibar, a historic 19th-century palace is a reminder of the world's shortest war.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Tippu Tip's House

This slowly crumbling mansion was home to one of East Africa's richest and most powerful slave traders.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Mercury House

Freddie Mercury's childhood home is now a monument to the iconic Queen rockstar.

Changuu (Prison Island)

Over the course of its history, this tiny island has held enslaved people in transit and served as a quarantine zone. Today, it's a giant tortoise sanctuary.
Glastonbury, England

Glastonbury Tor

This hill and tower are steeped in legend, from King Arthur to the Holy Grail.
Glastonbury, England

The White Spring

A dark Victorian well house now plays host to mystical waters and pagan shrines.
Glastonbury, England

'King Arthur's Tomb'

In the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey lies the alleged resting place of the legendary king.
Glastonbury, England


Fascinating town where normal life interfaces with the occult.
Totnes, England

The Leechwell

A historic holy well hidden near a charming English park.
Totnes, England

The Brutus Stone

One could not be blamed for literally walking all over this supposed landmark.
Kingswear, England

Kingswear Wishing Well

Successful single-handed, non-stop circumnavigation of the world in a sailing boat was a wish said to be granted at the well.
Devon, England

Burgh Island

Take a sea tractor to the Art Deco hotel on the island that inspired Agatha Christie.
Devon, England

Exercise Tiger Memorial

A disastrous D-Day rehearsal was relatively unknown until this sunken tank was discovered 40 years later.
Hallsands, England

Ruins of Hallsands

The abandoned fishing village was swept right into the sea.
Devon, England

Buckfast Abbey

This historic Benedictine monastery brews a booze so toxic that it has often been blamed almost singularly for Scottish hooliganism.
Dambulla, Sri Lanka

Dambulla Royal Cave Temple

This ancient cave temple complex is the largest and best-preserved temple complex in Sri Lanka.

Soy Sauce Bottles of Sultan Mosque

A ring of soy sauce bottle bases decorate an important Singaporean landmark.

Sri Mariamman Temple

Singapore's oldest Hindu temple.

Hawker Chan Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle

This Singaporean food-court stall was home to the world's cheapest Michelin-starred meal.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

This $62 million dollar temple was erected to house one little dental fragment of religious history.