becmartin42's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

The London Library

More than a million titles fill the labyrinthine shelves of this prestigious private library.
London, England

Euston's Lost Tunnels

A network of concealed passageways lies within a busy London Underground station.
London, England

Highgate Cemetery

London's creepiest cemetery was once the site of dueling magicians and mobs of stake-carrying vampire hunters.
London, England

Supper Club Tube

A decommissioned tube carriage within a London museum hosts a regular pop-up supper club.
London, England

The Ancient House

One of London's oldest houses contains a mixture of both old and modern features.
London, England

God's Own Junkyard

A kaleidoscopic warehouse-maze of handmade neon signs.
New York, New York

Wing Heung Noodle Co.

Home to some of the last true noodle artisans in New York.
New York, New York

Bluestockings Bookstore

New York City's only radical feminist independent bookstore.
Brooklyn, New York

Interference Archive

Volunteer-run library dedicated to exploring five decades of activism history.
New York, New York

Riot Grrrl Collection at NYU

A collection of fanzines, recordings, and documents detailing the rise and influence of the feminist punk movement.
New York, New York

The Gardens at St. Luke in the Fields

A quiet and contemplative oasis in the middle of New York's bustle and riot.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Island Museum

An oasis of calm amid the chaos of the boardwalk, the museum traces the heritage of this beloved beachside amusement park.
New York, New York

Frick Bowling Alley

Bowl in splendor, if you're lucky.
New York, New York

The Sisyphus Stones

Hordes of precariously balanced stone figures crowd the shores of the Hudson River.
Brooklyn, New York


An arcade packed with a rotating collection of unique independent video games.
New York, New York

The Hidden Art Deco Tunnel Underneath the New Yorker Hotel

The beautiful tunnel that ran from the lobby to Penn Station is still hidden underneath 34th Street.
Brooklyn, New York

House of Yes

A band of aerialists and circus performers putting on incredible shows in East Williamsburg.
Bronx, New York

North Brother Island

Home to the infamous "Typhoid Mary" and the worst loss of life in New York's history prior to September 11, 2001.
New York, New York

High Bridge

The oldest surviving bridge in New York City, which reopened to pedestrians in 2015.
Queens, New York

Surreal Elevator

Nondescript elevator doors open to reveal a stunning, surreal world.
New York, New York

Gimbel's Bridge

A three-story copper skybridge connects two Manhattan buildings with Art Deco luxury.
New York, New York

Lower East Side Toy Company (The Back Room)

Become a prohibition rebel.
New York, New York

C. O. Bigelow Apothecary

The oldest operating apothecary in the US has treated everyone from Thomas Edison to Mark Twain.
New York, New York

New York Federal Gold Vault

More gold than anywhere else, ever.