sherrinicolehenderson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Charlotte, North Carolina

Freshlist's Seasonal Produce Clock

A year-long seasonal produce clock highlighting a variety of fruits and vegetables from across the Piedmont region.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Monticello's Vegetable Garden and Fruitery

Thomas Jefferson's estate is home to hundreds of varieties of historic fruits and vegetables.
Ithaca, New York

The Cornell Apple Vending Machine

For a buck, students can snag freshly picked apples grown in the university orchards.
Syracuse, New York

Tree of 40 Fruit

A Frankenstein blend of science and art allows one tree to produce 40 different types of stone fruit.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Chile Pepper Institute

At this research institute, the chile is king.
Los Angeles, California

Historic Orange Grove

The last orange grove of the San Fernando Valley is owned and protected by CSU Northridge.
Sunnyvale, California

Orchard Heritage Park

800 apricot trees honor Silicon Valley's agricultural history.
Oakland, California

Watermelon Rock

A unique piece of graffiti offers a little slice of local history and mystery.
Emeryville, California

Big Daddy's Complete Rejuvenating Community Garden

This small oasis of flora and art was created in remembrance of a local auto business owner.
Santa Rosa, California

Crane Melon Barn

This California family's ancestral melon is sold only here.
Tampa, Florida

Wat Mongkolratanaram

Every Sunday for the last 30 years, this Buddhist temple has hosted a market with food and Thai goods.
Tampa, Florida

Harry Waugh Dessert Room at Bern’s Steak House

At Bern's Steak House, there's always room for dessert—it's just upstairs.
Nashville, Tennessee

Culture + Co.

At this Nashville restaurant, cheese and charcuterie arrive via conveyor belt.
Athens, Greece


Savor sheep milk yogurt at the last of Athens' dairy bars.
Johannesburg, South Africa

Neighbourgoods Market

A growing popular hipster market with over 100 local specialties and live music.
Anjuna, India

Anjuna Flea Market

This weekly bazaar started in the 1960s as a way for hippie travelers to barter their goods.
New Delhi, India

Khari Baoli Rooftop

The roof of one of the world’s largest spice markets provides a grand view over the neighborhood's glorious bustle.
Bozhou, China

Bozhou Medicinal Herb Market

The largest traditional Chinese medicine market in the world sells ingredients that may make you squirm.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Jemaa el-Fna Square

Fortune tellers, snake charmers, poets, and storytellers all gather on this historic square in Morocco.
Lucca, Italy

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro

This bustling Italian plaza is built on the ruins of an ancient Roman amphitheater.
Valencia, Spain

Central Market of Valencia

This amazing example of Valencian Art Nouveau looks more like a cathedral than a public market.
Bamberg, Germany

The Gardener and Vintner Museum

A local museum honors the history of Bamberg’s unique cultural heritage: growing crops in the heart of the city.
Lima, Peru

Mercado de Brujas

A market for witches is hidden within a train station.
Chevilly-Larue, France

Rungis International Market

Walk through spectacular aisles of hanging meat and wagon wheel–sized cheese at the world's largest wholesale food market.