melmpap's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Papatowai, New Zealand

The Lost Gypsy Gallery

This quirky collection is an interactive exhibit crammed with creative contraptions and tinkered-with toys.
Springfield, New Zealand

Springfield Doughnut

A giant doughnut was given to the small New Zealand town of Springfield to promote "The Simpsons Movie."
Cardrona, New Zealand

Cardrona Bra Fence

Hundreds of bras, blowing in the wind.
Kawakawa, New Zealand

Hundertwasser Toilets

Modern art meets modern convenience in possibly the world's most architecturally important public bathroom.
Ohaupo, New Zealand

The Tree Church

One man's dream has turned into this naturally growing chapel made of almost nothing but trees.
Matamata, New Zealand


The real life Hobbiton, this sheep farm has been forever transformed since being built for The Hobbit film series.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
Shanghai, China

Heima Bar

A Viking-themed bar in a canal town for those retreating from the hustle and bustle of Shanghai.
Foshan, China

Toilet Bowl Waterfall

What can compare to the comforting sound of 10,000 toilets running?
Suzhou, China

London Tower Bridge Replica

The Chinese have long been excellent at the art of copying, but this epic replica takes the biscuit.
Hulun Buir, China

Matryoshka Square (Russian Taowa Square)

Hundreds of large Russian nesting dolls decorate this square, and the largest is a functioning hotel.
Guiyang, China

Yelang Valley

It took an artist 20 years to create this sprawling sculpture garden honoring the area's ancient inhabitants.
Xilin Gol, China

Erlian Kissing Dinosaurs

The largest dinosaurs in the world, kissing above the highway.
Shanghai, China

Bund Sightseeing Tunnel

This psychedelic tourist trap is a leisurely descent into madness.
Qujing, China


A canvas of crops grow from vibrant red soil in this terraced farmland.
Beijing, China

Dragon Escalator

The world's longest outdoor escalator takes visitors to the top of China's largest dam and is also shaped like a dragon.
Bordeaux, France

Falling Car of Bordeaux

This Bordeaux parking garage has 712 indoor spaces, and one outdoor.
Vaïssac, France


This miniature Paris, built out of trash, is one man's two decade labor of love.
Pont-Saint-Esprit, France

The Hallucinations of Pont-Saint-Esprit

A small town hallucinates en masse - Bad bread, or CIA science project?
Milly-la-Forêt, France

Le Cyclop

Jean Tinguely's bizarre monster sculpture is hidden deep in a forest.
Paris, France

The Bouquinistes of Paris

The tradition of open-air secondhand and antiquarian bookselling in Paris dates back to the Renaissance.
Amanlis, France

La Maison Sculptée

An enchanting work of outsider art, full of whimsical sculptures and carvings.
Deyme, France

The Abandoned Galleon

The deserted pirate-themed restaurant still entices explorers.
Couëron, France

House in the Loire

The sunken structure looks like the victim of a catastrophic flood.