emorycarrie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Binsey, England

The Perch Inn

This historic pub is a hidden gem for fans of Lewis Carroll.
Maltby, England

Roche Abbey Ruins

Legend has it the famous Robin Hood would attend mass at this 12th-century Cistercian abbey in Sherwood Forrest.
Essex, England

Greensted Church

This historic franken-chapel is the oldest wooden church in the world, at least part of it.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
Chester, England

Medieval Coffin of St John's

A rare wooden coffin set vertically into the Gothic arch of an ruined church.
London, England

London's Rose-Ringed Parakeets

Legend says these colorful, invasive residents are the descendants of birds released by Jimi Hendrix.
London, England

Whitechapel Fatberg Manhole Cover

It celebrates a very stinky task and salutes London's fatberg-vanquishing team.
Oxford, England

Annora's Tomb

The weathered grave of a medieval anchoress who walled herself up in a cell attached to a church.
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, England

Pilgrims Way to Holy Island

Twice a day this ancient path disappears with the tides, leaving the Holy Island of Lindisfarne out to sea.
London, England

'Titania and Bottom'

This macabre painting of a Shakespearean scene looks like something out of a nightmare.
Suffolk, England

Principality of Sealand

A 550-square-meter micro-nation off the coast of Britain.
Oxford, England

Saint Margaret's Well

The medieval legend behind this holy well was one of the inspirations behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
Gloucestershire, England

Chedworth Roman Villa

Deep in the countryside lie the remains of one of the grandest Roman dwellings in Britain.
London, England

William Blake's Home

The townhouse where the English poet created some of his most influential work has been preserved in tribute.
Tisbury, England

Old Wardour Castle

Besieged by war, this castle ruin has crumbled into a peaceful picnic spot.
London, England

Bunhill Fields

A famous burial ground with a history both grim and literary.
London, England

The Theatre

Two plaques commemorate the site of Shakespeare's first theatre.
London, England

Freud Museum London

The pioneer of psychoanalysis spent the final year of his life here, still seeing patients on that famous couch.
London, England

Wellcome Collection & Library

The curios of pharmacist and collector Henry Wellcome.
Galway, Ireland

Conger Bread

After a traumatic encounter with a six-foot eel, one Galway baker started making a daily loaf of sourdough in its shape.
Ferbane, Ireland

Gallen Priory

Once an early Christian burial site, it's believed the location was home to around 200 gravestones.
Wicklow, Ireland

Kilmacurragh House

Oliver Cromwell once seized the land under this house, which included the ruins of a medieval abbey that the owner used to build his stately home.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Jerpoint Abbey

This ancient Irish religious site is covered in ancient carvings, many of which have barely aged.
Dublin, Ireland

Kingship and Sacrifice

This permanent collection of preserved bodies taken from Irish bogs is one of the leading authorities on such morbid mummies.