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Strange rock formations tower above the river that snakes through this enchanting Icelandic canyon.


Iceland's largest lagoon is home to stunning multi-colored icebergs.
Pramarzo, Italy

Temple of Damanhur

Eco-village hidden in the foothills of the Alps that created a massive system of psychedelic underground temples.
Isola San Giulio, Italy

Isola San Giulio

A fairytale island floats in the middle of Italy's little-known Lake Orta.
Castel D'ario, Italy

Castello di Castel d'Ario

In a tower at this centuries-old castle, members of a noble family were imprisoned and left to starve.
Mantua, Italy

Imprisoned Bell Tower

Inside the small garden of two mid-century apartment buildings stands a centuries-old bell tower, separated from its original church and hidden from view.
Almenno San Bartolomeo, Italy

Collection of Peddler Bicycles

An eclectic collection of highly specialized bicycles once used by artisans for their specific needs.
Rome, Italy

Palazzo Malta

Inside this building is another country within Rome, a sovereign entity without a physical territory.
Brisighella, Italy

Via degli Asini (The Donkey's Road)

Built as a defensive structure, this medieval walkway road offers a unique view of the village of Brisighella.
Rovigo, Italy

Towers of Rovigo

All that is left of this medieval castle is two towers, both of which now display a visible tilt.
Mantua, Italy

Torre della Gabbia (Tower Cage)

A medieval tower with a suspended iron cage used as an open-air jail for criminals who were exposed as a warning.
Milan, Italy

Ruins of the Circo Romano

See what remains of a once grand ancient Roman circus.
San Donato di Ninea, Italy

Grotta di Sant'Angelo

The ruins of a rural church and a statue of Archangel Gabriel are tucked away in Majella National Park.
Sulmona, Italy

Shrine of Hercules Curinus

The ruins of this temple were later chosen by Pope Celestine V to found an abbey and a hermitage.
Rieti, Italy

Resti del Ponte Romano (Roman Bridge in Rieti)

This ancient Roman bridge was a key feature of the ancient Via Salaria road.
Santa Maria Navarrese, Italy

Grotta del Fico

Packed with geological formations, an ancient river, and taxidermied seals, this overlooked coastal cave system is worth a spelunk.
Duino, Italy

Duino Mithraeum

Europe's only Temple of Mithras located in a natural cave.
Sutri, Italy

Sutri Amphitheatre

This Roman theater was crafted into the local tuff rock and was rediscovered during the 19th-century.
Sermoneta, Italy

Abbazia di Valvisciolo (Valvisciolo Abbey)

Knights Templar are visible inside this stunning Cistercian abbey.
Greccio, Italy

Santuario di Greccio (Sanctuary of Grecci)

One of the four sanctuaries of Rieti's Holy Valley was the site of the first living nativity scene.
Segni, Italy

Porta Saracena

The hilltop town of Segni was once home to an ancient Roman colony and garrison.
Gravina in Puglia, Italy

Ponte Acquedotto

An impressive bridge over a ravine also served as an aqueduct.
Fossoli, Italy

Fossoli Camp

After World War II, this former concentration camp in Northern Italy became a refuge for those displaced by the war.
Rovigo, Italy

La Rotonda

A rare example of an octagonal Catholic church.