gspllambed's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Yermo, California

Peggy Sue's 50's Diner & Diner-Saur Park

Like a kitschy mirage in the Mojave, this eatery serves up classic 50s-style diner meals and a dinosaur sculpture garden.
Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Modern Diner

The first ever diner included on the National Register of Historic Places is famous for its custard French toast.
Oakley, Utah

Oakley Diner

What's a diner from the 1939 World's Fair doing in a remote Utah mountain town?
Seattle, Washington

Howe Street Stairs

Spanning an elevation of 160 feet and containing 388 steps, this is Seattle's longest staircase.
Whaligoe, Scotland

Whaligoe Steps

Cut into a sheer cliff face, these stairs are the only way to reach a secluded Scottish harbor.
Jamestown, Saint Helena

Jacob's Ladder

A grueling 699-step stairway to a heavenly view of the island of Saint Helena.
Zhangjiajie, China

Tianmen Shan

A total of 999 stairs lead visitors through a massive hole in a mountain known as the Gateway to Heaven.
Rome, Italy

Mamertine Prison

This ancient Roman prison is decorated with an upside-down cross not as blasphemy but as saintly tribute.
Alpine, Texas

Sul Ross Desk

A group of college students hauled a desk up a mountain more than 40 years ago. The notebooks inside have become a makeshift time capsule.
York, England

Lloyds Bank Coprolite

An incredibly well-preserved piece of ninth-century Viking poop.
Capel Saint Andrew, England

Rendlesham Forest UFO Landing

The scene of the United Kingdom's most famous UFO incident, dubbed the "British Roswell."