jedalise's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Spring Green, Wisconsin

House on the Rock

A bizarre house filled with an astounding array of collections.
Sudbury, Massachusetts

Sky Bar

Try a classic Necco candy bar being resurrected in a small suburban shop.
London, England

Lindow Man

A naturally mummified 2,000-year-old man.
Dublin, Ireland

Kingship and Sacrifice

This permanent collection of preserved bodies taken from Irish bogs is one of the leading authorities on such morbid mummies.
Silver Spring, Maryland

National Museum of Health and Medicine

An astounding collection of medical specimens, including bits of President Lincoln.
London, England

Hunterian Museum

The anatomical-pathological collection of a man who changed surgery.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Nervous System of 'Harriet Cole'

This meticulously extracted nervous system allegedly came from a 19th-century custodian who donated her body to science.
New Haven, Connecticut

The Cushing Center

An archival collection of over 2,200 case studies which includes human brain specimens and tumor specimens.
Ithaca, New York

Wilder Brain Collection

This collection started by a Cornell professor once held more than 600 human brain specimens, including the one that belonged to its founder.
Lake George, New York

Caldwell-Lake George Library

Of all the unique artifacts inside this library, a mummified hand stands out among the others.
Pavia, Italy

Antonio Scarpa's Head

What better way to honor a pioneering anatomist than by preserving his severed head like a specimen?
Inverness, California

Point Reyes Lighthouse

The lighthouse central to the 1980s horror classic "The Fog" is, in fact, located in one of the foggiest areas of the Pacific Coast.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.