gronca97's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Watts Towers

America's most famous piece of self-built architecture.
San Francisco, California

Albion Castle

A 140-year-old castle with underground caves hidden in San Francisco.
Los Angeles, California

The Last Bookstore

This iconic L.A. bookshop is housed in an abandoned bank—both symbolic and chic.
Ashbourne, England

Dovedale Stepping Stones

These quintessentially English stepping stones were built for Victorian tourists.
Älvdalen N, Sweden


This tiny Swedish troll protects the land and all who wander within it.
Eaglesham, Scotland

Whitelee Wind Farm

The biggest onshore wind farm in the United Kingdom.
Dunnet, Scotland

Dunnet Head Lighthouse

The most northern place on the mainland of Great Britain.
Rockall, Scotland


British Empire's last territorial expansion, claimed by four countries.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cranhill Water Tower

Water-themed sculptures guard this unusually square structure.
Saint Monans, Scotland

Wellie Garden of St Monans

Some cheeky plantings brighten an old slipway on Scotland's Firth of Forth.
West Lothian, Scotland

Cairnpapple Hill

This hill nestled in the Scottish lowlands was a ritual site for over 4,000 years.
Glasgow, Scotland

Hidden Gardens

A leafy, peaceful oasis nestled in the heart of Glasgow's busy south side.
Saddell, Scotland


Originally intended as a temporary installation, this sculpture is now a permanent part of a stunning Scottish beach.
East Lothian, Scotland

Bass Rock

This tiny island is home to the world's largest colony of Northern gannets.
Fetlar, Scotland

The Hjaltadans Stone Circle

On a remote island, legend has it that a fiddler and his wife were turned to stone.
Fraserburgh, Scotland

Museum of Scottish Lighthouses

An 18th-century lighthouse built on a 16th-century castle is now a monument to the maritime beacons of Scotland.
Durness, Scotland

Smoo Cave

A sea cave with a waterfall and Viking past
Kilsyth, Scotland

Antonine Wall

Scotland still bears an enormous scar of its Roman past.
Dumbarton, Scotland

Dumbarton Rock

This volcanic plug boasts the longest recorded history of any Scottish stronghold.
Wigtown, Scotland

The Open Book

This seaside Scottish holiday rental lets you live out your bookselling dreams.
Lundin Links, Scotland

Lundin Links Standing Stones

A trio of giant megalithic stones in the middle of a golf course.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Innocent Railway Path

The U.K.'s first underground railway line is now a lively thoroughfare for runners and cyclists.
Stenness, Scotland

Ness of Brodgar

The discovery of this Neolithic settlement, which contained a Stone Age "cathedral," threw archaeologists for a loop.
Birnam, Scotland

Beatrix Potter Garden

This Birnam-based garden honors the legacy of 19th-century children’s book author Beatrix Potter.