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Athens, Greece

Aiolou Street Excavation Site

An ancient site that has revealed incredible artifacts including portions of the Themistoclean Wall.
Athens, Greece

Daphni Monastery

This lesser-visited World Heritage site in Athens boasts an impressive ensemble of medieval gold mosaics.
Corfu, Greece

Church of St. Spyridon

This Greek Orthodox church houses the mummified body of St. Spyridon.
Nafplio, Greece

Basilica of Agios Nikolaos

This church is dedicated to the patron saint of seafarers.
Athens, Greece


Savor sheep milk yogurt at the last of Athens' dairy bars.
Athens, Greece

Church of Agios Sostis

This Byzantine Church was moved from Paris to Athens block by block.
Larisa, Greece

First Ancient Theatre of Larissa

Dedicated to the god Dionysus, this theatre was used for both musical and theatrical performances.
Athens, Greece

Tzistarakis Mosque

Legend says it was constructed with the destroyed pillar of an ancient Greek Temple.
Athens, Greece

Church of Agia Kyriaki

A tiny Greek Orthodox church from the Ottoman era hides on a busy city street.
Athens, Greece

St. John Around the Column

There are many Byzantine-era churches still standing in Athens, but this is the only one with a 2,500-year-old column rising through its roof.
Athens, Greece

St. Catherine's Greek Orthodox Church

A Byzantine church containing the holy remnants of three saints sits atop the site of an ancient temple.
Perissa, Greece

Paralia Perissa

This black sand beach was crafted from volcanic explosions including the historic Minoan eruption.
Athens, Greece

Fethiye Mosque

This historic structure has been used as a mosque, a barracks, a prison, a school, and a bakery.
Spetses, Greece

The Neith of Spetses

Overlooking the harbor is a beautiful neglected mansion guarded by two Egyptian sphinxes.
Athens, Greece

Caves of Filopappou Hill

These caves secretly held national treasures during World War II.
Athens, Greece

Panathenaic Stadium Passage

Gladiators once walked this ancient, subterranean passage.
Chios, Greece

Lovokomeio Leper Colony

An ambiguous ambience emanates from this centuries old leprosy quarantine.
Corfu, Greece

Perithia at Corfu

The ghost town where the villagers refuse to leave.
Rhodes, Greece

Bee Museum of Rhodes

Learn about the sweet, storied legacy of beekeeping in ancient Greece.
Athens, Greece

Petraki Monastery

The oldest standing Byzantine church in Athens is tucked within a monastery in the middle of an upscale shopping district.
Kalarrites, Greece

Holy Kipinas Monastery

This 13th-century monastery chiseled into the side of a mountain is equipped with a bridge that can be lifted to protect against raids.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Heptapyrgion Fortress

An abandoned Byzantine fortress and notorious prison.
Athens, Greece

Little Metropolis Church

This gem is often wrongly overshadowed by the larger, newer Metropolis church in Athens.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki Brothel

A two thousand year old brothel uncovered in Northern Greece.