pawlaktiffany's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

A psychedelic labyrinth on the San Francisco bay.
Xilitla, Mexico

Las Pozas

Extraordinary sculpture garden created by an eccentric English poet.
Los Angeles, California

Mt. Hollywood Tunnel

This nondescript tunnel has been featured in a number of iconic movies, from “Roger Rabbit” to “Back to the Future.”
Los Angeles, California

River Under the First Bridge

An iconic location along the Los Angeles River where countless movie scenes are filmed.
Los Angeles, California

Stone Gates of Hollywood

These two monoliths have stood at the entrance to the neighborhood since the days it was called "Hollywoodland."
Los Angeles, California

Snow White Cafe

This Hollywood dive houses a mural painted by the artists who animated its namesake film.
Los Angeles, California

Holyland Exhibition

Small museum packed with artifacts recovered by the man rumored to be the real-life inspiration for Indiana Jones.
Los Angeles, California

Snow White Cottages

Magical-looking cottages that inspired one of the most famous animated films ever.
Los Angeles, California

Binoculars Building

In a city filled with Frank Gehry buildings, one stands out as one of the architect's weirder works.
Los Angeles, California

Heritage Square Museum

Beautiful Victorian buildings from L.A.'s forgotten architectural past.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Tower Apartments

This glamorous old building is said to have inspired the Tower of Terror.
Los Angeles, California

St. Vincent Court

A faux European lane smack dab in downtown L.A.
Los Angeles, California

Valley Relics Museum

One man's vast collection of artifacts and ephemera from matchbooks and postcards to vintage neon signs and cars.
Los Angeles, California

La Brea Tar Pits Dragonfly Fossils

These delicate buggers are some of the rarest fossils that have bubbled up from the Tar Pits.
Los Angeles, California

Garden of Oz

Hidden in the hills of Hollywood, this secluded Oz-themed garden is dotted with dozens of thrones.
Los Angeles, California

Bronson Cave

It should come as no surprise that the best view of the Hollywood sign is from Batman's lair.
Los Angeles, California

Old Zoo Picnic Area

The abandoned zoo enclosures offer a perfect place to experience the other side of the bars.
Los Angeles, California

The Last Bookstore

This iconic L.A. bookshop is housed in an abandoned bank—both symbolic and chic.
Rome, Italy

Wheel of the Exposed

An unremarkable wooden wheel built into the side of one of Rome's oldest hospitals was part of a policy to reduce infant exposure.
Rome, Italy

The "Little London"

A modern sliver of architecture in Roma.
Rome, Italy

Arch of Gallienus

This Roman arch marks the location of an ancient gate at one of the Seven Hills of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Parco degli Acquedotti

This beautiful park on the outskirts of Rome protects the ruins of two colossal ancient aqueducts.
Rome, Italy

Pyramid of Cestius

The only "Egyptian" pyramid in Europe and the legendary tomb of Remus.
Rome, Italy

Porta Alchemica

An alchemist's "magic door" stands in the middle of a Roman park.