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Places visited in Glendive, Montana
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Cut Bank, Montana

Coldest Spot in America

A colossal concrete penguin announces this Montana town as the coldest spot in America. But is it really?
Columbia Falls, Montana

Shepard Memorial Fountain

Crystal clear, drinkable mountain spring water by the side of the road.
Nashua, Montana

Fort Peck Dam

This record-setting hydraulic dam in the Montana badlands was one of FDR's most ambitious public works.
Missoula, Montana

A Carousel for Missoula

A classic carnival ride that was carved to be untouchable.
Glendive, Montana

Glendive Dinosaur Museum

This museum is dedicated to telling the story of dinosaurs from a creationist perspective. 
Glendive, Montana

Makoshika State Park

The oldest badlands in North America, Makoshika State Park takes it name from the Lakota words for broken land.
Great Falls, Montana

Sip 'n Dip Lounge

"Polynesia on the Plains."
Arlee, Montana

Garden of One Thousand Buddhas

This giant meditative chakra sits peacefully in the Flathead Valley of western Montana.
West Glacier, Montana

Going-to-the-Sun Road

The only road through the heart of Glacier National Park.
West Glacier, Montana

Lake McDonald

Spectacular views await visitors to this lake.