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Edinburgh, Scotland

Magdalen Chapel

The 16th-century church has the only stained glass windows that survived the Scottish Reformation intact.
Scottish Borders, Scotland

Great Polish Map of Scotland

This huge concrete map of Scotland was built as a thank you gift from a Polish soldier.
Scottish Borders, Scotland

Abbotsford House

This Scottish manor house is a lush relic from the life of a literary great.
Strathcarron, Scotland

Applecross Pass

This single-track road rewards brave drivers with stunning Scottish scenery.
Clachan-Seil, Scotland

Clachan Bridge

The "Bridge Over the Atlantic" lets you cross the waterway in mere seconds.
Highland, Scotland

Well of the Seven Heads

This macabre monument atop an ancient well gives a nod to a brutal episode in Scottish clan history.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Calum's Road

One man spent 10 years building a spectacular section of road because no one else would.
Elie, Scotland

Elie Chain Walk

The only fixed chain and post trail in Scotland snakes its way along the base of a towering seaside cliff.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Saint Margaret's Cave

A hidden tunnel leads to a medieval queen's shrine buried beneath a parking lot.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Library of Mistakes

A library where thousands of books explain how to avoid another Great Recession.
Edinburgh, Scotland

World's End Close

This otherwise ordinary close on the Royal Mile constituted the end of the world for Edinburgh’s poorest residents.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Bennets Bar

This historic pub has maintained much of its 1906 decor, including a small sequestered room for women, where orders were slipped through a tiny window.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

The Drovers Inn

Nestled amid the peaks and lochs of the Scottish Highlands, this inn and pub has played host to outlaws and ghosts.
Orkney, Scotland

Brough of Birsay

This tiny island featuring 9th-century Viking ruins is only accessible at low tide.
Aberfoyle, Scotland

Doon Hill and Fairy Knowe

This enchanting hill is home to fairy lore and a sinister local mystery.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Ascog Hall Victorian Fernery

A fernery hidden by neglect is uncovered, and an ancient specimen along with it.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Cemetery Mortsafes

Protecting the dead from opportunistic body snatchers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wild West Morningside

An American ghost town hides along a side street in Scotland's capital.
Machrie, Scotland

Machrie Moor Standing Stones

More stones than Stonehenge, all scattered within a windswept landscape sure to enchant 'Outlander' fans.
Pittenweem, Scotland

St. Fillan's Cave

This tiny little cave was said to have been a refuge for a saint with a glowing arm.

Corryvreckan Whirlpool

Legend says a witch conjured the world's third largest whirlpool to protect Scotland from a nasty pirate.
Lendalfoot, Scotland

Sawney Bean's Cave

Legend says this cave housed a 16th-century cannibal and his family of 48.
Highland, Scotland

CairnGorm Mountain Railway

Scotland's only funicular railway is also the United Kingdom's highest.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Lauriston Castle

This allegedly haunted 16th-century tower house-turned-museum exhibits thousands of spectacular objects.