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Glasgow, Scotland

Govan Stones

Early Medieval stones sit on display at the beautiful Govan Old Church in Glasgow.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Flodden Wall

Remnants of the 16th-century defensive wall still stand unassumingly within Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, Scotland

General Register Building of the National Archives of Scotland

Every birth, death, and marriage is recorded in these color-coded leather-bound books.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Dun Carloway

A magnificent, iconic stone tower in the Scottish Highlands.
East Wemyss, Scotland

Wemyss Caves

These ancient sea caves hold Britain's highest concentration of Pictish rock carvings.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Hunterian Museum

A 200-year-old collection of oddities and medical paraphernalia.
Comrie, Scotland

Cultybraggan WWII POW Camp

Built to hold the worst of the worst of the Nazi war prisoners.
Glasgow, Scotland

Tchai-Ovna House of Tea

Hidden on a cobblestone street in Glasgow, a Czech Cajovna-inspired teahouse serves as a hangout for Bohemians.
Edinburgh, Scotland

6 Times

A succession of eerily contemplative iron figures lead from a Scottish museum to the sea.
Sumburgh, Scotland


This picturesque archeological site looks like it was pulled straight from a fantasy novel.
Edinburgh, Scotland

George Mackenzie's Mausoleum

The tomb of one of Scotland's bloody historic villains is a magnet for bumbling desecrators.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Bobby

The most loyal of little dogs, or a Victorian era publicity stunt?
Glasgow, Scotland

St. Valentine’s Bones

Glasgow’s piece of the patron saint of love.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dunbar's Close

A verdant 17th-century-style garden hidden along Edinburgh’s Royal Mile.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Jacob's Ladder

This obscure walkway links Edinburgh’s Old Town with one of the city's prime vantage points.
Paisley, Scotland

Paisley Witches Memorial

The strange behavior of a tween led to allegations of witchcraft and a curse being placed on anybody within earshot.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Museum of Edinburgh

This 16th-century house tells the city's history through old artifacts and quirky tales.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Bernard's Well

A beautiful Greco-Roman structure houses a well once believed to have healing powers.
Highland, Scotland

Ruthven Barracks

These ruins witnessed the final gathering of the failed Jacobite Rebellion.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland


Geodesic dome luxury retreat in the Scottish Highlands.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Blair Street Underground Vaults

A labyrinthine network of chambers with a storied past hides below Edinburgh's South Bridge.
Highland, Scotland

Dunrobin Castle

A castle in the Scottish Highlands has been continuously inhabited since the 1300s.
Foyers, Scotland

Boleskine House

A Scottish manor with a history of mysterious fires, magic, and eccentric tales
Orkney, Scotland

Cuween Hill Cairn

Enter the world under the hill at this ancient UK burial chamber.