cummingsb72's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Toronto, Ontario

The Wood Cake House

This knick-knack-covered house (complete with a matching van) is a charming oddity in the middle of a modest downtown neighborhood.
Ottawa, Ontario

Pandemic Bridge at Porter's Island

The metal truss bridge served as the sole entry point to an "isolation island" for smallpox outbreaks throughout the 1870s and early 1940s.
Barry's Bay, Ontario

Crooked Slide Park

Inside this park, an engineering marvel from the early 20th-century still stands.
Elora, Ontario

Golden Jubilee Graffito

Among the cliffs of the Elora Gorge is an oft-overlooked piece of celebratory graffiti.
West Montrose, Ontario

West Montrose Covered Bridge

Known as the "Kissing Bridge" for its privacy, it also happens to be the last covered bridge in Ontario.
Milton, Ontario

Halton County Radial Railway

Take a ride on antique streetcars from across Canada.
Guelph, Ontario

The Petrie Building

This building's metal facade is the last of its kind in all of Canada.
Aurora, Ontario

Happy Woodlawn Pet Cemetery

Canada's first pet cemetery is now abandoned.
Toronto, Ontario

Rock of the Matterhorn

This half-ton piece of the Alps sits at the base of the CN Tower.
Toronto, Ontario

'Little Canada'

A miniature representation of Canadian cities and landmarks in incredible—and sometimes hilarious—detail.
Guelph, Ontario

Guelph Covered Bridge

One of the last remaining covered bridges in the province of Ontario.
Port Colborne, Ontario

The Incredible Shrinking Mill

This mill on Lake Erie appears to shrink as a viewer approaches thanks to an optical illusion.
London, Ontario

Abandoned Veterans Village at Westminster Ponds

The ruins of a rehabilitation center for World War II vets can be found in the Westminster Ponds Conservation area.
Cloyne, Ontario

Mazinaw Rock

This water-locked cliff face is covered in hundreds of ancient pictographs.
Ottawa, Ontario

Château Laurier

The mastermind behind this palatial hotel perished on the Titanic weeks before its grand opening.
Pelham, Ontario

Comfort Maple

Canada's oldest sugar maple has been growing since around 1500.
Timmins, Ontario

The World's Oldest Pool of Water

It's 2 billion years old!
London, Ontario

London Psychiatric Hospital

Clusters of abandoned buildings hint at the facility's 144-year history with psychiatric health.
Clarington, Ontario

Camp 30 POW Camp

A Canadian POW for German soldiers during WWII where prisoners hatched an elaborate escape plan.
Wellesley, Ontario

Bean Puzzle Tombstone

It took over 100 years to decode this enigmatic epitaph for two buried brides.
Toronto, Ontario

Ireland Park

A memorial to the tens of thousands of Irish who fled to North America during the Great Famine.
Eganville, Ontario

Bonnechere Caves

One of Mother Nature’s geological gems, home to many prehistoric fossils.
Brockville, Ontario

Brockville Tunnel

Canada's oldest railway tunnel is illuminated in a rainbow of color as it passes under the streets of this small city.