melisasimo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Boston, Massachusetts

Statue of Mary Dyer

Dedicated to a colonial woman who was hanged for being a Quaker.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Houdini Plaque

Harry Houdini plunged into the Charles River and performed one of his escape acts here in 1908.
Boston, Massachusetts

Great Boston Molasses Flood Plaque

The site of one of the strangest disasters in history—a wave of deadly molasses traveling at 35 mph.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lucy Parsons Center

Radical Bookstore and Community Space.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Ether Dome

19th-century operating theatre in which the use of ether was first demonstrated - plus, a skeleton and a mummy!
Boston, Massachusetts

Caffe Vittoria

The oldest Italian café in Boston, this spot also serves as a veritable museum of vintage coffee ephemera.
Boston, Massachusetts

Brattle Book Shop

One of the oldest used bookstores in the U.S. has been selling antiquarian treasures since 1825.
Orlando, Florida

Wells'Built Museum

During segregation, this Orlando hotel hosted performers like Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Now it's a museum dedicated to preserving local Black history.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Cincinnati Mushroom House

What is it about mushrooms that makes people wish they lived inside of them?
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Mercantile Library

Hidden on two floors of downtown building, the library has an incredible deal on rent.
Covington, Kentucky

Hierophany and Hedge

A shop for all your magical needs and notions.
London, England

Whitechapel Fatberg Manhole Cover

It celebrates a very stinky task and salutes London's fatberg-vanquishing team.
London, England

The College of Psychic Studies

This educational institution and reference library specialize in the psychic arts and mediumship.
London, England

Brown Dog Statue

A memorial to a dog that inspired rioting in the streets of London.
London, England

The Cathedral of Sewage

This elaborate Byzantine-style building was designed for a not-so-pretty purpose.
London, England

The First Public Drinking Fountain

Public access to clean drinking water was an instant hit among the masses.
London, England

Tyburn Tree Marker

Never actually a tree at all, this spot was the site of London's public hangings for nearly 600 years.
London, England

The Attendant, Fitzrovia

Drink your espresso at a Victorian-era urinal in this underground-restroom-turned-coffee-bar.
London, England

Public Standards of Length

19th-century scientists would make the pilgrimage here to verify the precision of their measuring sticks.
London, England

Crossness Pumping Station

This beautiful Victorian ironwork masterpiece was built to keep London from smelling like poop.
London, England

Billingsgate Roman House and Baths

A Roman spa buried deep beneath the City of London.
London, England

Broad Street Cholera Pump

The John Snow Memorial marks the epicenter of London's 1854 cholera epidemic.
London, England

The Mayflower Pub

The London pub overlooks where the Mayflower was moored before setting sail for the New World.
London, England

Old Operating Theatre Museum & Herb Garret

In this cobwebbed old operating theater, you can practically hear the screams of the unanesthetized patients.