meeganwilli's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Highland, Wisconsin

World's Heaviest Ball of Twine

Tirelessly maintained by a Wisconsin man named JFK.
Spring Green, Wisconsin

House on the Rock

A bizarre house filled with an astounding array of collections.
Madison, Wisconsin

Elvis Karate Fight Plaque

A stone marker memorializes the spot where the King broke up a street fight with a classic karate stance.
Madison, Wisconsin

Royal Thai Pavilion

Prayers and messages of hope decorate the ceramic tiles of this pavilion.
Madison, Wisconsin

Annie Stewart Memorial Fountain

A largely forgotten and touching neoclassical marble fountain overlooking a bear mound effigy.
Madison, Wisconsin

Vitense Miniature Golf

Three playfully immersive mini golf courses let you travel alongside your ball to the cup at this facility, which has been around since the 1950s.
Madison, Wisconsin

Picnic Point Beach House

This forgotten beach house built to look like a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece overlooks a hidden beach.
Madison, Wisconsin

John Muir's Alarm Clock Desk

Before he was America’s most famous preservationist, John Muir was an ingenious mechanical inventor.
Madison, Wisconsin

L.R. Ingersoll Physics Museum

A hundred-year-old museum filled with giant physics toys and experiments designed by grad students.
Madison, Wisconsin

Lamp House

Hidden away in the city of Madison, Wisconsin is a nearly forgotten home that Frank Lloyd Wright built for a childhood friend.
Madison, Wisconsin

'Crowning Woman'

Prolific outsider artist Sid Boyum's concrete sculptures add whimsy to Madison's Schenk-Atwood neighborhood.
Lexington, Kentucky

Lexington's Biblical Miniature Golf

Three courses accompanied by Christian rock.
Lexington, Kentucky

Dixie Cup Water Tower

Unique tower has outlasted a takeover of the company.
Lexington, Kentucky

Bondurant's Pharmacy

A pharmacy built in the shape of a mortar and pestle, now resembles a fancy cocktail.