johnmolnar1975's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sea Lake, Australia

Lake Tyrrell

Victoria's largest salt lake is a favorite haunt for photographers and stargazers.
Box Hill, Australia

Surrey Dive

This former brickworks pit is full of legends about its murky depths.
Black Range, Australia

Bunjil's Shelter

This ancient rock shelter features cave art and is one of the most culturally important sites in the country.
Red Cliffs, Australia

Big Lizzie

One of the world's largest tractors was built to replace camel caravans.
Dumbleyung, Australia

Site of 1964 World Water Speed Record

See the lake and replica where a daredevil broke both world land and water speed records in the same year.
Atherton, Australia

Hou Wang Temple

The last timber and iron Chinese temple in Australia.
Varley, Australia

Rabbit Cemetery

A unique memorial to the bunnies who died because of Australia's historic Rabbit Proof Fence.
Broken Hill, Australia

Big Ant

Designed by artist Pro Hart, built elsewhere in 1980.
Augathella, Australia

Big Meat Ant

Inspired by the local football team, this giant ant is meant to draw tourists to a tiny Australian town.
Derwent Bridge, Australia

The Wall In The Wilderness

Carved panels tell the complete history of the harsh Central Highlands region.
Macquarie, Australia

The Big Owl

This roadside attraction became locally famous for its unintentionally phallic shape.
Adelaide River, Australia

Charlie the Water Buffalo

The taxidermy remains of the mighty beast made famous by a Crocodile Dundee film.
North Adelaide, Australia

David Roche House Museum

A vast and opulent collection of art and show dog memorabilia collected over one man's lifetime.
Bodalla, Australia

Big Cheese

Giant wheel of cheese marks a dairying village.
Acton, Australia

The Big Dish

With a surface area of nearly 500 square meters, welcome to the world's largest paraboloidal dish solar concentrator.
Moonbi, Australia

Big Chook

Fiberglas monument to Moonbi's poultry industry.
Taroona, Australia

Taroona Shot Tower

The world's tallest shot tower—maybe.
Brim, Australia

Brim Silo Murals

These giant grain silo portraits capture elements of rural life in Australia.
Monga, Australia

Pooh Bear's Corner

A small mountain cave tucked away along Kings Highway has become a shrine to the beloved character.
Bundoora, Australia

Upside-Down Charles La Trobe Statue

This strange portrayal of the state's first lieutenant-governor literally stands on its head.
Kulin, Australia

Tin Horse Highway

There's a lot of horsing around on this lonely stretch of Australian highway.
Cobar, Australia

Big Beer Can

Can of beer on top of a Cobar hotel with a world record.
Hillvue, Australia

Big Golden Guitar

Monument that stands 40 feet and weighs 1,000 pounds.
Tocumwal, Australia

Big Murray Cod

Fiberglass fish built in 1968 after months of fundraising.