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Places visited in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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Ketchikan, Alaska

Totem Bight State Historical Park

This historic collection of Native Alaskan artifacts was resurrected through a partnership between the WPA and tribal artisans.
Skagway, Alaska

The Slide Cemetery

A tiny wilderness cemetery commemorates the deadliest episode of the Klondike Gold Rush.
Skagway, Alaska

Arctic Brotherhood Hall

The facade of this relic from the Klondike gold rush is decorated with over 8,800 pieces of driftwood.
Juneau, Alaska

Patsy Ann Statue

Known as the “Official Greeter of Juneau,” this dog still welcomes ships and their passengers to Alaska.
Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Glacier

A rare chance to get up close and personal with a 13-mile ribbon of ice near downtown Juneau.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Iguana Bridge

This bridge over the River Cuale leads to a neighborhood that was once an escape for Hollywood's elite.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

La Rotonda del Mar

A Lovecraftian altar of nightmarish bronze chairs sits ominously on a boardwalk in Puerto Vallarta.
Seattle, Washington

World Famous Giant Shoe Museum

An old-timey peepshow allows visitors to gawk at some of the world's most freakishly large footwear.
Seattle, Washington

The Red Hall at Seattle's Central Library

A colorful architectural gem in Seattle's uniquely modern Central Library.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Seattle, Washington

Ye Olde Curiosity Shop

A 100-year-old purveyor of curiosities, curios, and kitsch featuring mummies, shrunken heads, and a Fiji Mermaid.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Salmagundi West

Antiques shop filled with all manner of curious collectibles.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Gassy Jack' Statue

An effigy of Vancouver's Gastown neighorhood's namesake.
Victoria, British Columbia

Mile 0

A monument stands at one of the starting lines of the Trans-Canada Highway, formerly the longest uninterrupted highway in the world.
Victoria, British Columbia

Esquimalt Lagoon

This small beach park is littered with a collection of unique driftwood sculptures.
Port McNeill, British Columbia

The Ronning Burl

A Canadian port town is oddly home to two of the largest tree burls in the world.
Duncan, British Columbia

World's Largest Hockey Stick & Puck

Canada shows its hockey pride with a giant stick.
Coombs, British Columbia

Old Country Market

This quirky countryside store is known for the goats that hang out and eat the grass on its roof.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Giants' on Granville Island Silos

The colorful, smiling concrete silos of Vancouver.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Digital Orca

A pixel art killer whale is frozen mid-leap in this Vancouver square.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Gastown Steam Clock

A working steam clock, one of only a few in the world, located in Vancouver's Victorian Gastown.
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Marine Building

This Art Deco masterpiece has stood in for some of the most famous buildings in comic book history.
North Vancouver, British Columbia

Capilano Suspension Bridge

This expansive bridge in the Canadian wilderness was originally just built for friends.