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Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history.
Sudbury, Massachusetts

The Redstone Schoolhouse

This classic red schoolhouse is said to have been where Mary and her little lamb went to school.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Liberty Tree

The former site of an all-but-forgotten colonial landmark is now remembered by an often overlooked bas relief.
Boston, Massachusetts

New England Holocaust Memorial

Millions of numbers carved in glass represent the tattoos forced upon victims.
Charlemont, Massachusetts

'Hail to the Sunrise'

A monument to the Mohawk people stands along an old Native American trade route.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of St. Anthony's Feast

Each August, one of the largest religious (and food) celebrations in the country is held in Boston.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Glass Museum

This delicate museum is devoted to the art and industry that once supported Cape Cod's oldest town.
Devens, Massachusetts

Sweetheart Memorial

A tribute to the couples who brave long periods of separation during wartime.
Worcester, Massachusetts

American Antiquarian Society

This little-known rival to the Library of Congress houses one of the largest collections of pre-1876 American books, newspapers, and manuscripts.
Boston, Massachusetts

Cocoanut Grove Fire Plaque

A plaque memorializes the Boston location of one of the largest nightclub fires in history.
Haverhill, Massachusetts

Rob Zombie Sign

Welcome sign announcing Haverhill, MA, as the birthplace of horror rocker/artist/director Rob Zombie.
Concord, Massachusetts

The Old Manse

The poems Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife Sophia etched into its windows are still visible today.
Danvers, Massachusetts

Endicott Pear Tree

The oldest living cultivated fruit tree in North America.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Somerville Round House

A unique columnar residence built in the 19th century.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Infinite Corridor

This nearly endless university hallway is home to a unique sunset known as "MIThenge."
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments Mark I

This massive World War II calculator hearkens back to the days when "computer" was a job title.
Dennis, Massachusetts

Cape Cinema

The ceiling of this vintage movie palace is covered in fantastic Art Deco murals.
Rochester, Massachusetts

Witch Rock

Haunted boulder in a front yard with a witch painted on it.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's "Black Sea"

This area was once known for being a lawless haven for rough-and-tumble sailors, earning the maritime-themed nickname "the black sea."
Boston, Massachusetts

Folk Americana Roots Hall of Fame

A unique music museum housed in a historic Boston theater.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Birthplace of Johnny Appleseed

The proud hometown of an American legend has honored their favorite son with what seems to be a gravestone.
Nantucket, Massachusetts

Nantucket Whaling Museum

Artifacts of whaling, with both its perils and adventure, are housed in this museum in a former candle factory.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Busta Rhymes Island

One man is on a singular quest to name an island after a famous hip-hop artist.
Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Dean Hill Cemetery

Burial ground for revolutionary veterans attracts tall tales, ghost hunters, not enough historians and preservationists.