hannahkocian's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Venice, Italy

Poveglia Plague Island

A small island less than half a mile from Venice is a forbidden island with a dark and twisted past.
Botriolo, Italy

Balze del Valdarno

Leonardo da Vinci was one of many to find inspiration in this unique, rocky landscape in Tuscany.
Prato, Italy

Musciattino's Hand

A local legend says the theft of a holy relic explains the hand-shaped bloodstain on the facade of this cathedral.
Gadoni, Italy

Sa Stiddiosa

Greenery covers the face of a gently-dripping waterfall deep in the mountains of central Sardinia.
Capri, Italy

Gennarino Scugnizzo

This bronze boy sits on one of Capri's rocky cliffs, waving at the passing boats.
Maglione, Italy

Museo d'Arte Contemporanea all'Aperto di Maglione (MACAM)

Over 100 artworks are painted on the walls of this town, making it an open-air museum of contemporary art.
Castellabate, Italy

Licosa Island

According to legend, this small island was home to one of the sirens met by Ulysses in the Odyssey.
Mantua, Italy

Dropped Triglyphs of Palazzo Te

An architectural oddity where the triglyphs of the courtyard of walls create an optical illusion.
Cassiglio, Italy

Ca’ Milesi

This house is adorned with a serenade macabre from the Counter-Reformation period.
Padua, Italy

'Memoria e Luce'

A twisted steel beam from the wreckage of the World Trade Center is the centerpiece of this memorial for those who died on September 11, 2001.
Mantua, Italy

Palazzo Aldegatti's Cat

This decoration above a door, an unofficial family crest, is said to come alive during the night to try to get free of the stone.
Raiano, Italy

Eremo di Saint Venantius (Hermitage of Saint Venantius)

A holy stone inside this spectacular hermitage is said to have healing properties.
Trescore Balneario, Italy

Cappella Suardi

Jesus turns into vines inside this chapel.
Santa Maria Navarrese, Italy

Grotta del Fico

Packed with geological formations, an ancient river, and taxidermied seals, this overlooked coastal cave system is worth a spelunk.
Brisighella, Italy

Via degli Asini (The Donkey's Road)

Built as a defensive structure, this medieval walkway road offers a unique view of the village of Brisighella.
Raiano, Italy

Eremo di San Venanzio (Hermitage of San Venanzio)

This hermitage spanning an Italian river gorge draws pilgrims hoping to heal ailments like arthritis and migraines.
San Giovanni di Duino, Italy

Monumento ai Lupi di Toscana

Two bronze wolves atop this large rock honor the "Wolves of Tuscany" brigade of World War I.
Montagnana, Italy

Castle of San Zeno

A medieval castle was used for centuries as a hemp farm.
Portovenere, Italy

'Mater Naturae'

Perched above a grotto, this tribute to Mother Nature looks out into the ocean.
Mantua, Italy

Torre della Gabbia (Tower Cage)

A medieval tower with a suspended iron cage used as an open-air jail for criminals who were exposed as a warning.
Imola, Italy

Piazza Matteotti

This Renaissance square was at the center of Leonardo da Vinci's map, the first ichnographic ever.
Rovigo, Italy

Towers of Rovigo

All that is left of this medieval castle is two towers, both of which now display a visible tilt.
Torri in Sabina, Italy

Santa Maria della Lode in Vescovio

This beautiful Romanesque church preserves stunning medieval frescoes and the excavations of a Roman market town.
Rovereto, Italy

Rovereto Fertility Shrine

An abandoned piece of phallic art repurposed by locals into a makeshift fertility shrine.