motherof3and2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nye County, Nevada

Icecap Ground Zero

A facility built in 1992 for an underground nuclear test remains in place today.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Hand of Faith Gold Nugget

The second-largest gold nugget in existence, displayed in a Las Vegas casino conveniently named the Golden Nugget.
Goldfield, Nevada

Paste Eater's Grave

Eulogizing an unknown man's unusual demise.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Erotic Heritage Museum

Thousands of artifacts relating to human sexuality, including the world's largest sex bike.
Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Wichita, Kansas

'Personnages Oiseaux'

Created by Catalan artist Joan Miró in 1978 and made up of 350,000 tiles, this mural is the only large-scale glass mosaic the artist ever created.
Leavenworth, Kansas

C.W. Parker Carousel Museum

This quaint museum lets you take a ride on its antique carousels.
Moose, Wyoming

T. A. Moulton Barn

This rustic old building is said to be the most photographed barn in America.
Wendell, Idaho

Niagara Springs

An impressive waterfall nestled in the cliffs of Idaho's Snake River Canyon.
New Hope, Pennsylvania

Van Sant Crybaby Bridge

A historic covered bridge is but one example of an oddly prevalent American urban legend.
New Hope, Pennsylvania


This strange, big-tailed beast became a Pennsylvania town's unofficial mascot.
Columbia, South Carolina

Busted Plug Plaza

The world's largest fire hydrant is supposedly tornado-proof.
Lititz, Pennsylvania

Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery

Don't get it twisted: This is the oldest pretzel bakery in the United States.
Erie, Pennsylvania

Schaefer's Auto Art

A quirky collection of outsider art made from automobile parts.
Ashland, Pennsylvania

Big Mine Run Geyser

The only geyser in the state of Pennsylvania is caused by pressure from an abandoned coal mine outside of the ghost town Centralia.
Oaks, Pennsylvania

World's Largest Slinky

Once on display alongside a giant Gumby, it’s as tall as a nine-story building when fully extended.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Kutztown, Pennsylvania

Crystal Cave

In which a local geological marvel becomes a quaint roadside attraction.
Aristes, Pennsylvania


A toxic ghost town sitting atop a massive coal fire.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Canton Avenue

One of the steepest streets in the United States makes an intriguing challenge for cyclists.
Rhinebeck, New York

Fork in the Road-Rhinebeck

A unique work of art that was created without permission.
Blasdell, New York

Penn Dixie Fossil Park

More than 350 million years ago, western New York was covered in a vast sea. Today, you can dig up the remains of the plants and animals that lived there.
Potsdam, New York

Potty Gardens

Three gardens with toilets and urinals filled with bright flowers started as a protest against zoning rules.
New York, New York

Ancient Egyptian Beef Shoulder

Even for Egyptian royalty, the afterlife was bring-your-own-beef.