steveblake4's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Leipzig, Germany
Places visited in Zeitz, Germany
Places visited in Altenburg, Germany
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Gordes, France

Le Cercle Républicain de Gordes

This tiny cafe is one of the last meeting places of its kind, allowing revolutionaries a place to plot.
Paris, France

E. Dehillerin

Shop at the 200-year-old store where Julia Child stocked up on copper cookware.
Annecy, France

Palais de l’Île

A fortified palace in the shape of a ship on the Thiou river.
Paris, France

Mascarons of Pont Neuf

If you look closely at the oldest bridge in Paris, you might notice hundreds of ugly faces leering from its sides.
Paris, France

Jardin d'Acclimatation

In this Parisian garden's grotesque former life as a zoo it fed exotic animals to the bourgeois and put humans on exhibit.
Paris, France

Montmartre Funicular

The water-powered carriages are long gone, but for over a century this funicular railway has been the fastest route to the highest point in Paris.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Dresden, Germany

Waldschlösschen Bridge

The bridge that cost Germany a World Heritage Site.
Berlin, Germany

The Clock of Flowing Time

An astonishingly accurate water clock that doubles as an hourly spectacle in this Berlin shopping area.
Chemnitz, Germany


One of the largest busts in the world celebrates the German city's erstwhile namesake.
Eisenach, Germany

Wartburg Castle

The castle where Martin Luther secretly translated the New Testament from Greek to German while in hiding.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Zeitz, Germany

Deutsches Kinderwagenmuseum (German Stroller Museum)

Take a stroll through the history of prams, carriages, and other ways we move babies around.
Bamberg, Germany

Bamberg Horseman

Art historians have debated the identity of this medieval stone rider since the 19th century.
Altenburg, Germany

Historischer Friseursalon

An incredibly well-preserved barbershop from the 1920s was transformed into a tiny local museum.
Lützen, Germany

Gustav II Adolf's Place of Death

A monument to the "father of modern warfare" Gustav II Adolf.
Leverkusen, Germany

Bayer Cross

Largest illuminated advertisement sign in the world.
Berlin, Germany

Soviet Memorial (Sowjetisches Ehrenmal)

For patriotic Russians, this memorial honoring the Soviet soldiers who died liberating Berlin in 1945 is the most sacred location outside of Russia.
Naumburg, Germany

Statue of Uta von Ballenstedt

Is this statue at Naumberg Cathedral the fairest of them all?
Goseck, Germany

Goseck Circle

A Neolithic celestial calendar standing in a nondescript wheat field.
Dresden, Germany

Deutsches Hygiene-Museum

Over 12,000 hygiene oriented objects and exhibits.
Leipzig, Germany

Museum in der "Runden Ecke"

This small exhibition displays equipment and artifacts once belonging to the feared Stasi secret police.
Leipzig, Germany

Löffelfamilie (Spoon Family)

One of the most iconic neon ads of former East Germany.