piottidaniela's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Tower Wax Museum's Progressive Rock Room

Unlikely place for krautrock legends to hang out.
Osaka, Japan

Radium Onsen

This bathhouse includes an option to soak in radioactive water.
Takasaki, Japan

Hodota Burial Mounds

A trio of keyhole-shaped burial mounds restored to their ancient glory.
Kamakura, Japan

Harakiri Yagura

Access to this hidden site of a 14th-century mass suicide is prohibited, unless it is to pray for the dead.
Kyoto, Japan

Kamo River Turtle Stepping Stones

These turtle-shaped concrete stepping stones provide a unique river crossing in central Kyoto.
Matsumoto, Japan

Nawate Dori

This small Japanese street is lined with figures, sculptures and a shrine dedicated to frogs.
Utsunomiya, Japan

Nagaoka Hyakuana Burial Mound

This ancient burial cave along a roadside is also home to several Buddhist sculptures.
Tokyo, Japan

Horoku Inari Shrine

Losing lottery tickets are deposited at this shrine in hopes of better luck.
Sado, Japan

Aikawa Prison

A wooden prison doesn't sound like a good idea, yet this abandoned 1950s detention center still stands today.
Ichihara, Japan

'Toilet in Nature'

The "largest bathroom stall in the world" offers a unique pit-stop experience.
Tokyo, Japan

Taira no Masakado's Grave

A shrine dedicated to a 10th-century samurai emperor, whose head is not buried on site (contrary to popular belief).
Matsumoto, Japan

Matsumoto Castle

This historic castle is one of the oldest and most impressive in all of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Kozukappara Execution Grounds

This infamous execution site inspired the beginning of Japan's modernization in the late 18th-century.
Sado, Japan

Sado Island's Tarai Bune

These unconventional "tub boats" let locals row around the island's turbulent coast.
Kyoto, Japan

Hōnen-in Temple

The cemetery houses the remains of Jun’ichirō Tanizaki, one of Japan's most famous novelists.
Utsunomiya, Japan

Oya History Museum - Subterranean Cave

This massive, beautifully-lit underground quarry leaves visitors in awe.
Narusawa, Japan

Fugaku Wind Cave

One in a pair of subterranean caves created by an ancient eruption of Mount Fuji.
Unzen-shi, Japan

Obama Onsen

Japan's hottest hot spring has a memorable name.
Tokyo, Japan

Tobacco & Salt Museum

This museum is dedicated to the cultural history of tobacco and salt, once monopolized in Japan.
Sakai Ward, Japan

Daisen Kofun

One of the world's largest ancient burial mounds.
Nagasaki, Japan

Museum of Tropical Medicine

A hub of information on tropical diseases and their treatments.
Kumamoto, Japan

Musashizuka Park

This beautiful Japanese garden is a memorial to the samurai who literally wrote the book on business as martial art.
Kesennuma, Japan

Kori no Suizokukan

450 dead and frozen fish, proudly on display in Japan.
Tamura, Japan

Abukuma-do Caves

These wondrously illuminated caverns extend under the mountains of the Fukushima Prefecture.