mstexaslee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

Clean Rivers Tunnel

An 18-mile-long tunnel for sewage waste will soon wind within the bowels of Washington, D.C.
Suitland-Silver Hill, Maryland

Cedar Hill Cemetery

A historic cemetery filled with quirky faux wood art and unique tombstones.
Alexandria, Virginia

Captain Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veterans' Memorial

A small and somewhat hidden memorial to 68 local veterans of the Vietnam War.
Bladensburg, Maryland

Bostwick House

This Georgian-style house built in 1746 is the oldest surviving structure in Bladensburg.
Hyattsville, Maryland

Vanadu Art House

An intricately designed junk art house with four extravagant junk art cars hidden in the suburbs.
Arlington, Virginia

Reagan National Airport Bird Cannon

The system of air guns are fired off remotely to scare any trespassing avians.
Washington, D.C.

Defense Intelligence Agency Museum

Amid the sprawling Defense Intelligence Agency Headquarters is one of Washington's least accessible museums.
Arlington, Virginia

George Washington Memorial Parkway

This isn't your average roadway—it's actually a National Park and a transportation pioneer.
Arlington, Virginia

Hall's Hill Wall

Remnants of a wall built to separate Black residents of Hall's Hill from a newly built subdivision are a grim reminder of segregation in 20th-century Virginia.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Aqueduct Chemical Tower

Every drop of D.C. tap water flows through this old waterworks.
Arlington, Virginia

Ronald Reagan National Airport's Historic Terminal A

The romance of early commercial flight still fills this Art Deco destination.
Arlington, Virginia

Abingdon Plantation Ruins

The remains of a historic plantation nestled in between a parking lot and the rental car return at Reagan National Airport.
Arlington, Virginia

VIP Congressional Parking Lot at Reagan National Airport

Right next to departures—how convenient!
Washington, D.C.

National Bonsai Museum

One of the dwarven trees dates back to 1625 and survived the Hiroshima bombing.
Washington, D.C.

USS Missouri Model Ship

The U.S. Navy’s preposterously detailed mini battleship took 77,000 hours to complete.
Washington, D.C.

USS Balao Conning Tower

Part of a WWII submarine is lurking outside the Washington Navy Yard parking lot.
Washington, D.C.

American University Experiment Station

The school tested mustard gas for the U.S. Army during World War I.
Arlington, Virginia

DEA Museum

An extensive, if one-sided, history of U.S. law enforcement's war on drugs.
Washington, D.C.

Walter Johnson Statue

This statue of one of baseball’s greatest pitchers looks like something out of a sci-fi horror movie.
Arlington, Virginia

Gravelly Point Park

This lovely picnic spot featuring thunderous jet landings is an aircraft spotter’s dream.
Washington, D.C.

The Transportation Walk

Outside the Department of Transportation, a collection of artifacts honors the history of how we get around.
Washington, D.C.

James C. Dent House

Now a living classroom, this house was once the home of Reverend James Clinton Dent, a formerly enslaved man and a pastor.
Washington, D.C.

Tree Mansion of Archibald Walk

Depending on who you ask, this controversial treehouse is either a charmingly creative child's playhouse or an illegal encroachment on public land.
Washington, D.C.

Steam Tunnels Under Capitol Hill

100 years later, they're still down there.