adamantum's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Sigtuna, Sweden
Places visited in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
Places visited in Grenoble, France
Places visited in Kragujevac, Serbia
Places visited in Serbia
Places visited in Medellín, Colombia
Places visited in Belgrade, Serbia
Places visited in Kruševac, Serbia
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Sigtuna, Sweden

Sigtuna Stora Gatan

Sweden's oldest street has not changed for nearly a millennium.
Stockholm, Sweden

Omnipollo's Church

Located in an old church, this brewery produces a different kind of holy water.
Stockholm, Sweden

Entombed Cross

This giant crucifix is like U2's Joshua Tree for Swedish death metal fans.
Stockholm, Sweden

Birthplace of the Stockholm Syndrome

Now a hotel, this former bank was the site of a robbery that spawned a psychological phenomenon.
Stockholm, Sweden


This pair of unsuspecting buildings are in fact the very first modern skyscrapers in Europe.
Stockholm, Sweden

Samkönade Trafikljusen

A temporary art piece to celebrate LGBTQ Pride is now a permanent part of Stockholm's traffic landscape.
Beli Potok, Serbia

Monument to the Unknown Hero

Near Belgrade, an ancient-looking sarcophagus serves as a World War I monument.
Belgrade, Serbia

Čukur Fountain

An eerie fountain commemorating the death of a boy that sparked a small war in the 19th century.
Belgrade, Serbia

Znak Pitanja (?)

Belgrade’s oldest restaurant has a rather unusual name.
Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade Milestone

This small bronze pyramid marks the center of Belgrade, but some say it is a Masonic symbol.
Belgrade, Serbia

The Why? Memorial

A NATO bombing took the lives of 16 civilians in 1999—the ruins remain in the center of Belgrade.
Belgrade, Serbia

We Were Just Children

Memorial to the 89 children killed during the NATO bombing of Serbia.
Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada Família

Construction of Barcelona's iconic (but controversial) church is expected to be completed in 2026—a century after the death of its architect.
Barcelona, Spain

Parc de l'Espanya Industrial

A former steam-powered mill from the 1800s is now an industrial park with a giant steel dragon slide.
Miami, Florida

Miami Circle

A perfect circle of 24 mysterious holes dates back to prehistoric times.
Denver, Colorado

Mayan Theatre

One of three remaining theatres in the United States created in the Art Deco Mayan Revival style.
Denver, Colorado

Carpio Sanguinette Park

An innovative local park built from an abandoned sewage treatment plant.
Denver, Colorado

Daniels and Fisher Tower

A focal point of in Denver’s skyline for over a century, inspired by a Venetian basilica.
Denver, Colorado

"The Yearling"

A Rocky Mountain city provides a happy ending for a pinto pony and his Brobdingnagian red chair.
Denver, Colorado

Big Blue Bear

Overlooking the Colorado Convention Center is this giant sculpture made from thousands of triangles.
Denver, Colorado

Denver Omelet Plaque

This sidewalk tribute honors Colorado's great culinary creation.
Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Denver, Colorado

Cheesman Park

A downtown park built on top of unclaimed graves.
Denver, Colorado

'Unsinkable' Molly Brown House

One of the greatest heroes of the Titanic tragedy came from humble beginnings to this beautiful home.