adkcrismore's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Signs of Old Lombard Street

The last four extravagant street signs of London's historic banking street.
London, England

The London Library

More than a million titles fill the labyrinthine shelves of this prestigious private library.
London, England

Houseboats of Regents Canal

A community of artists and entrepreneurs seeks a simpler life on London's waterways.
London, England

Museum of the Home

Explore nearly 400 years of English middle-class home life.
London, England

'Out of Order'

A domino effect created with Britain’s iconic telephone boxes.
London, England

Speakers' Corner

London's last remaining public soapbox site has seen speeches from Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, and George Orwell.
London, England

Philpot Lane Mice Sculpture

A mysterious pair of mice eating a piece of cheese is London's smallest public sculpture.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Coleford, England


The mysterious, fantastical woodland inspiration for "The Lord of the Rings."
Largs, Scotland

Kelburn Castle

This stately estate house features a tower covered in a bright, modern mural.
Windsor, Ohio

Servants of Mary Center for Peace

The world's largest Our Lady of Guadalupe statue overlooks this Ohio sanctuary.
New York, New York

The 'Ghostbusters' Firehouse

Try not to get slimed in Tribeca.
New York, New York

The SeaGlass Carousel

Manhattan’s Battery Park has a whimsical carousel full of spinning, glowing fish.
New York, New York


A tiny museum housed in a New York freight elevator specializes in the "overlooked, dismissed, or ignored."
New York, New York

Dream House

La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela's "Dream House" will immerse you in an ever changing world of sound and light.