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Dijon, France

The Magic Owl of Dijon

For over 300 years this little carving has been the city’s good luck charm.
Treigny, France

Guedelon Castle

Despite centuries of architectural innovation, this French castle is being built like it's the 13th century.
Vézelay, France

La Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine

This church sits upon a peaceful hill and a long, turbulent history.
Tonnerre, France

Fosse Dionne

This natural French spring has been turned into a magical grotto by Roman and medieval constructions.
Dicy, France

Le Manège de Petit Pierre in La Fabuloserie Museum

A small world of mechanical magic and metal merry-go-rounds in a Outsider art Museum.
Chevilly, France

Aérotrain d'Orléans Test Track

The experimental test tracks of a retro-futuristic monorail still stand in the French countryside.
Chartres, France

La Maison Picassiette

A mosaic-tiled house built by graveyard sweeper Raymond Isidore.
Bailleau-Armenonville, France

Vélorails Pays Chartrain

A bike train runs along a disused railway line through the tranquil French countryside.
Bailleau-Armenonville, France

Musée Ateliers des Pionniers

A small museum of antique transport that's a must-see for bicycle lovers.
Saverne, France

Chappe Optical Telegraph

Before the electric telegraph, a chain of stone towers carried messages across France.
Cosswiller, France


One man's stunning attempt at eco-friendly living.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Astronomical Clock

There has been an astronomical clock on this spot since the 14th century.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Cathedral's Antique Graffiti

Visitors dating back to the 1600s carved their marks in the stones of the iconic tower.
Strasbourg, France

Stained-Glass Demons

Explore this medieval cathedral by trying to spot all the malevolent monsters hiding in its beautifully colored windows.
Strasbourg, France

Historic Wine Cellar of Strasbourg Hospital

This 14th century wine cellar is home to the oldest barrel-stored wine in the world.
Thann, France

L'œil de la Sorcière (The Witch’s Eye)

The remains of this castle, known as the Witch’s Eye, watch over the Thur Valley.
Erlach, Switzerland

St. Peter’s Island

The idyllic island where the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau spent “the happiest time of his life.”
Boudry, Switzerland

Saut de Brot

This lovely little bridge hidden in a Switzerland gorge is essentially a fairytale.
Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland

Maison d'Ailleurs

Museum of science fiction, utopias, and extraordinary journeys of the mind.
Chamonix, France

Vallée Blanche Aerial Tramway Support

Unable to build support structures on glaciers, the engineers for this tramway were forced to design a unique system.
Chamonix, France

Lac Blanc

An icy lake tucked among jaw-dropping alpine panoramas.
Evionnaz, Switzerland

Evionnaz Adventure Labyrinth

World's largest permanent maze made of 18,000 conifers.
Martigny, Switzerland


Enormous, fluffy dogs frolic around this museum dedicated to a legendary Saint Bernard.
Saint-Maurice, Switzerland

Abbey St. Maurice d'Agaune

Abbey built on the ruins of Roman catacombs.