CoolCrab's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Leaderboard Highlights
CoolCrab's activity rankings
Places visited in Netherlands
Places added to Germany
Places edited in Sweden
Places visited in Uppsala, Sweden
Places added to Nevada
Places edited in South Africa
Places visited in Basel, Switzerland
Places added to Denmark
Places edited in Germany
Geneva, Switzerland

Brunswick Monument

An opulent monument built for a duke who donated his entire fortune to the city of Geneva.
Onsala, Sweden

Onsala Space Observatory

An impressive collection of massive radio satellites.
Varberg, Sweden

'The Woman With the Handbag'

Controversy surrounded the creation of this anti-fascist statue.
Geneva, Switzerland

L’horloge Fleurie (The Flower Clock)

The world's largest second-hand graces a clock surrounded by constantly changing flower beds. 
Geneva, Switzerland

Statue of Frankenstein's Monster

One of the most historical literary characters continues to stroll his hometown.
Torpshammar, Sweden

Sweden's Geographical Midpoint

The "geometrical" center of the country, as calculated in 1947.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Vejrpigerne ('The Weather Girls')

This pair of gilded girls atop an Art Deco building in Copenhagen were built to function as a weather indicator.
Skadom, Sweden

Klockhuset I Skadom (The Skadom Clock House)

Some clocks inside this museum are more than 500 years old.
La Palma, Spain

Volcán de Tajogaite

The longest eruption in the history of La Palma originated with this volcano in September 2021.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hans Christian Andersen's Grave

The final resting place of the author who gave us the Little Mermaid, the Ugly Duckling, and many more beloved fairy tales.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Niels Bohr's Grave

The final resting place of one of the brightest physicists of the 20th century.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ørsted's House

The house where a Danish physicist discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Martha and Marie

Long before ultrasounds and modern testing, medical specimens like these conjoined twins helped physicians learn about congenital anomalies.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Heisenberg's Bathtub

Did he come up with a theory of cosmic-ray showers while sitting in this bath?
Flagstaff, Arizona

Pluto Discovery Telescope

A planet-hunting astrograph built in the 1920s to seek out the so-called "Planet X" beyond Uranus.
Hiko, Nevada

Alien Research Center

The self-proclaimed gateway to the Extraterrestrial Highway.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Geodetic Midpoint of Denmark

Once a meeting point for great thinkers, and the midpoint of the country.
La Palma, Spain

Gran Telescopio Canarias

The world's largest single-aperture telescope resides in the Canary Islands.
Kastrup, Denmark

Hans Christian Andersen's Trunk

The traveling wares of Denmark's most famous author.
Oatman, Arizona


This once-booming Gold Rush town is now home to a herd of feral donkeys.
Hiko, Nevada

Mount Irish Extraterrestrial Petroglyph Site

Many believe these images represent interstellar lifeforms.
Moapa Valley, Nevada

Mouse's Tank

Named after an outlaw who used the basin as a hideout.
Rachel, Nevada

Extraterrestrial Highway Sign

This sign designates the road that leads to the infamous Area 51.
Halchita, Utah

Forrest Gump Point

The location where the iconic movie character declared it was time to go home.