ajbernard's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bruges, Belgium

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Christ's blood preserved in a Belgian town.
New York, New York

Paley Park

A small peaceful park and waterfall tucked amid the urban grind of Midtown Manhattan.
New York, New York

President Ulysses S. Grant's Tomb

Visit the monolithic tomb of America's most famous general.
New York, New York

The Woolworth Building

Once the tallest building in the world and the site of "the highest dinner ever held in New York" this building now holds the most expensive penthouse in the city.
Québec City, Québec

Château Frontenac

This lovely, if imposing, piece of Canadian gothic is possibly the most photographed hotel in the world.
Montreal, Québec

Biosphere of Montreal

Designed by Buckminster Fuller, this relic of the 67 Expo survived fire and ice.
Rotorua, New Zealand


Major tourist destination known for its bubbling mud-pools and hot thermal springs.
Milford Sound, New Zealand

Milford Sound

Dolphins, ancient clams and hundreds of waterfalls make this one of the world's top tourist destinations.
Nakhl, Oman

Nakhal Fort

An imposing Omani fortress surrounded by date palm trees.
Kuşadası, Turkey


A charming beach town in Turkey captures all the colors of the rainbow.
Selçuk, Turkey

The Public Toilets of Ephesus

The ancient latrines of the Greeks, in all their public glory.
Istanbul, Turkey

Viking Runes at Hagia Sophia

A small etching on the white marble parapet was written in runic script by a Viking mercenary.
Istanbul, Turkey

Obelisk of Theodosius

This remarkably well-preserved Egyptian plinth is pretty well traveled for a giant piece of stone.
Istanbul, Turkey

Tombs of the Sultans

Five sultans and their families rest in eternal splendor, teeming with overlooked beauty and drama.
Aksaray, Turkey


In this historic region, homes and churches are carved into ancient volcanic rock formations.
Elbasan County, Albania

Bunkers of Albania

Hundreds of thousands of concrete bunkers crowd Albania long after the fall of Communism.
Sveti Stefan, Montenegro

Sveti Stefan

This exclusive resort has completely covered a tiny Balkan island in a 5-star warren of guest rooms.

Our Lady of the Rocks

A tiny church on a man-made island in the Adriatic.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Orlando's Column in Dubrovnik

An ancient knight and a symbol of the city's freedom.
Hrastovlje, Slovenia

Danse Macabre of Hrastovlje

The walls of this medieval church are covered with perfectly preserved frescos, including a pristine example of the Dance of Death.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dragon Bridge

A whimsical bridge adorned with decorative dragons.
Bled, Slovenia

Bled Island and Castle

This one-time health resort was used by aristocrats around the world.
Monaco, Monaco

Oceanographic Museum

Museum celebrating the ocean, with the largest wunderkammer dedicated to sea exploration.
Venice, Italy

Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs

This Roman statue is missing a limb from when the Venetians stole it from Constantinople during the Crusades.