Aleksandra Veleno's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Aleksandra Veleno's activity rankings
Places visited in Colares, Portugal
Places visited in Zugarramurdi, Spain
Places visited in Siena, Italy
Places visited in Arras, France
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Bugarach, France


Small French town or alien garage?
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Salamanca, Spain

Documentary Center of Historical Memory

An unusual but excellent display created in the 1930s as propaganda against the Freemasons.
Cuenca, Spain

Hanging Houses of Cuenca

Cliffside houses provide a spectacular view from their perch above the valley.
Alicante, Spain

The Head of the Moor

Legends surround this natural rock formation that looks like a Moorish king wearing a crown.
Benidorm, Spain

Intempo Building

This 47-story "M" needed 20 years to be completed
Seville, Spain

Metropol Parasol

The world's largest wooden structure.
Stirling, Scotland

Mar's Wark

The main residence of the Erskine family and the hereditary keeper of the nearby royal Stirling Castle.
Dalmally, Scotland

Saint Conan's Kirk

This eclectic sanctuary is a hodgepodge of various architectural styles, all crammed into one building.
Stirling, Scotland

Martyrs' Memorial

A striking glass tribute to two sisters who suffered during Scotland's "Killing Time."
Edinburgh, Scotland

Burke & Hare Murder Dolls

Tiny effigies of the victims of Edinburgh's famous Anatomy Murders.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh

One of the oldest scientific gardens in Britain, containing more than 13,302 plant species in its core collection.
Rennes-le-Château, France


French commune at the heart of conspiracies.
Montségur, France

Château de Montségur

This French castle is said to have once held the Holy Grail but is now a gorgeous mountaintop ruin.
Alliat, France

Niaux Cave Paintings

Trek into the depths of the cave where 17,000-year-old paintings exist alongside 400-year-old graffiti.
Valencia, Spain

Central Market of Valencia

This amazing example of Valencian Art Nouveau looks more like a cathedral than a public market.
Valencia, Spain

Holy Chalice of Valencia

Of the many chalices in the running for the Holy Grail, this one in Valencia Cathedral sure looks the part.
Madrid, Spain

The Giant of Extremadura

The lengthy skeleton of one of the tallest Spaniards of all time is on display in Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

The Lady of Cerro de los Santos

This enigmatic artifact is a rare depiction of an ancient Iberian noblewoman.
Madrid, Spain

Museo Geominero

Earth's rocky history has rarely glittered so brightly as it does in this Spanish museum.
Madrid, Spain

Museo Lazaro Galdiano

This small and often-overlooked museum holds some of Spain's finest artistic treasures.
Barcelona, Spain

Museu Frederic Marès

An eclectic collection of thousands of items owned by the sculptor Frederic Marès.
Barcelona, Spain

Museu de Carrosses Fúnebres de Barcelona

This Funeral Hearse Museum represents the finest in cadaver transportation.
Monistrol de Montserrat, Spain

Santa Cova of Montserrat

Holy Grotto of Montserrat Monastery holds one of Europe's mysterious black Madonnas.