alinesavioz2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan


This subterranean spot might be the epitome of Japan's baroque, retro coffee houses.
Sasebo, Japan

Henn-Na Hotel

The world’s first hotel to be run by robots.
Hachimantai, Japan

Matsuo Mine

Abandoned Japanese ghost town gives a glimpse into what our own metropolises may leave behind.
Odawara, Japan

The Hydrangea Train

Coast along one of Japan’s mountain railways for coveted views of magnificent hydrangeas.
Naoshima, Japan

Bennesse Art Site Naoshima

A Japanese corporation has turned this small island town into living modern art gallery.
Tokyo, Japan

Christon Café

A Catholicism-themed restaurant where sacrilege is on the menu.
Aogashima, Japan

Aogashima Volcano

We heard you like volcanoes so we put a volcano in your volcano so you can die for sure...
Osaka, Japan

Asahi Plaza Capsule Hotel

One of the first hotel rooms in a pod.
Gamagori, Japan

Takeshima Fantasy Museum

Shells collected from over a hundred different countries line the walls, floors and ceilings of this fantasy museum.
Tokyo, Japan

Mushizuka at Kan'ei-ji Temple

A Buddhist temple to honor insects that died for science.
Tokyo, Japan


Drinkslinger is an unlikely vocation for a Buddhist monk, but at this Tokyo bar the enlightenment is served in a martini glass.
Tokyo, Japan

Meguro Parasitological Museum

Meet the world's longest tapeworm in a collection that really gets under your skin.
Atami, Japan

Atami Adult Museum

Museum showcases Japanese sexuality and some amazing ocean views.
Tokyo, Japan

Detective Bar Progress

The bartenders at this crime-fighting theme cafe are actual private detectives by day.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto Botanical Garden

With over 12,000 different species of plants, this botanical garden is Japan's oldest and most diverse.
Tokyo, Japan

8bit Cafe

Transport yourself to the 1980s era of video games at this themed restaurant and bar.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima's Hypocenter

A plaque marks the site directly below the mid-air detonation of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima.
Shirakawa-mura, Japan


This isolated Japanese mountain village untouched by time showcases unique and stunning traditional architecture.
Iwakuni, Japan

Kintai Bridge

One of Japan's most famous sights, the bridge was originally built in 1673.
Fujinomiya, Japan

Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine Mermaid Mummy

Reportedly 1,400 years old, this may be the first of the Fiji Mermaids.
Tokyo, Japan

Mohri Garden Pond

An ordinary pond with fish from out of this world.
Seki-shi, Japan

Monet's Pond

This pond is so stunning it looks like you've stepped into one of Monet's masterpieces.
Tokyo, Japan

Omoide Yokocho

Colloquially known as “piss alley,” this narrow street filled with tiny bars and barbecue stands looks like it was pulled straight out of “Blade Runner.”
Tsuruoka, Japan

Sokushinbutsu of Dainichibou Temple

The self-mummified monks of Japan.