alonas's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Whitsundays, Australia

Whitehaven Beach

A small, but award-winning beach known for its literally spotless reputation.
Washington Island, Wisconsin

Schoolhouse Beach

This pebble beach is so beautiful that taking its rocks is against the law.
Islas Marietas, Mexico

Hidden Beach

A lovers' beach, tucked below the surface of the island, provides a safe haven for romance.
Okinawa, Japan

Gajumaru Treehouse Diner

Okinawan dining in a twenty foot tall, man-made tree house overlooking Naha Harbor.
Shaoguan, China

Mount Danxia

Unique geological formations in China, featuring some suggestive shapes.
Guilin, China

Yangshuo and Moon Hill

A natural arch offers panoramic views of Yangshuo's karst hills.
Kunming, China

Shilin Stone Forest

270 million year-old forest of stone.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Beijing, China

The World Park

Beijing's World Park offers the excitement of international sites without the travel.
Qujing, China


A canvas of crops grow from vibrant red soil in this terraced farmland.
Guoliang, China

Guoliang Tunnel

A tunnel dug through the side of a mountain by hand provides convenient yet death-defying access to a small village in China.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Zhangjiajie, China

Tianmen Shan

A total of 999 stairs lead visitors through a massive hole in a mountain known as the Gateway to Heaven.
Zhangjiajie, China

Tianmen Skywalk

For those with no fear of heights: a skywalk 4,700 feet up on a Chinese mountain.
Zhengzhou, China

Yan Huang Plaza

350-foot-high emperor faces in China's Yellow River valley.
Yichang, China


A cliff-hanging restaurant.
Chongqing, China

Three Natural Bridges

Not one, not two, but three natural bridges remain in this captivating spot post-sinkhole.
Leshan, China

Giant Buddha

This Tang Dynasty behemoth is the biggest Buddha in the world.
Meishan, China

Golden Summit Temple

A golden temple atop a sacred mountain, known for its giant effigy of the revered Pu Xian.
Ziyang, China

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Snow-capped peaks, colorful waterfalls and stunning vistas on the edge of the Himalayas.
Weinan, China

Huashan Mountain

A harrowing trail up a mile-high mountain.
Aba, China

Huanglong Travertine Pools

Intensely colorful calcite pools in Southern China.
Yinchuan, China

West Xia Imperial Tombs

China's beehive-shaped pyramids house the remains of a lost kingdom.
Weinan, China

Huashan Temple

A sacred mountaintop temple offers a fine cup of tea to visitors who can survive the journey.