amandazummack's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Eaglesham, Scotland

Whitelee Wind Farm

The biggest onshore wind farm in the United Kingdom.
Glasgow, Scotland

Scottish Football Association Mosaic

This townhouse was once the original home of the Scottish Football Association.
London, England

The Duke of Wellington’s Mounting Stone

Outside of one of Britain's most renowned social clubs, a step installed specifically for the Duke.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Scalpay Bridge

An impressive piece of infrastructure that seems outsized when considering it serves an island with a population of less than 300.
Elgin, Scotland

Duffus Castle

Once considered one of the country's finest motte and bailey castles.
Melrose, Scotland

The Rhymer's Stone

It's said that at this location, a Scottish poet met the Queen of the Fairies.
Sorbie, Scotland

Sorbie Tower

This fortified L-shaped tower is the ancient seat of clan Hannay.
Wallyford, Scotland

Battle of Pinkie Cleugh Memorial Stone

This memorial commemorates a defining 16th-century battle between English and Scottish forces.
Livingston, Scotland

Livingston Stone Circle

Scotland is filled with standing stones that date back hundreds or thousands of years. This is not one of them.
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Carrickfergus Knights

These sculptures honor the knights who once called Carrickfergus Castle their stronghold.
Musselburgh, Scotland

'The Musselburgh Archer'

A sculpture dedicated to the Roman history steeped in a Scottish town.
Birmingham, England

Black Sabbath Bridge

A bench and a bridge pay tribute to Birmingham's favorite heavy metal band.
Kilmartin, Scotland

Ballymeanoch Prehistoric Monuments

This Neolithic-era complex boasts standing stones, a cairn, and the only henge in Western Scotland.
Bury Saint Edmunds, England

The World's First Internet-Enabled Park Bench

Long before wi-fi, this public seat provided the wonder of being online while outdoors.
Orkney, Scotland

Kirkwall Ba

Twice a year, this Orkney town hosts a rowdy game of medieval mob football.
Edinburgh, Scotland

King's Theatre Dome

This modern work of art was a refreshing addition to one of the oldest theatres in the city.
Tywyn, Wales

Llyn Barfog

According to legend, King Arthur killed a beast that dwelled beneath the waters of this Welsh lake.
London, England

Benjamin Franklin House

One of America's founding fathers lived in this London lodging between 1757 and 1775.
Egremont, United Kingdom

Florence Mine

The rust covering this old mine's abandoned buildings matches the red pigment it once produced.
Oxford, England

James Sadler Plaque

Site of the first hot air balloon flight conducted by the first English balloonist.
Norwich, England

Fye Bridge

One of the oldest bridges in Norwich was used during the English witch trials and is said to be haunted.
New Galloway, Scotland

Kenmure Castle

Believed to be the birthplace of John Balliol.
Nottingham, England

Standard Hill

The English Civil War began right here in 1642.
Glasgow, Scotland

Hamilton Crescent

The site of the first international football match.