anchoco's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Motobu, Japan

Bise Village

A network of sandy streets lined with verdant fukugi trees weaves throughout this tiny seaside town.
Kumamoto, Japan

Kumamoto Castle

The iconic castle that withstood a magnitude 6.2 earthquake has become a symbol of resilience.
Tokushima-shi, Japan

Awa Odori

"The Dance of Fools" is Japan's largest dance festival.
Kawazu, Japan

Kawazu Sakura Festival

Cherry blossom season comes early in this Japanese town where pink flowers line the streets and riverbanks.
Niigata, Japan

Wara Art

Giant animal sculptures are created with the rice straw leftover from the fall harvest each year.
Neyagawa-shi, Japan

Kayashima Station

A Japanese train station built around a 700-year-old camphor tree.
Kyonan, Japan

Nihonji Daibutsu: The Great Buddha of Nihonji

This giant seated Bhudda of Healing dates to the 1780s.
Yonaguni, Japan

Yonaguni-jima Kaitei Chikei (Yonaguni Monument)

The Yonaguni Monument, a natural formation or the Japanese Atlantis?
Yokohama, Japan

Hara Model Railway Museum

The largest collection of model trains in the world is actually run using full-size locomotive technology.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto Botanical Garden

With over 12,000 different species of plants, this botanical garden is Japan's oldest and most diverse.
Yamanakako, Japan

Lake Yamanaka

The largest of the Fuji Five Lakes is home to an impressive swan population—some real, some with paddles, and one with an observation deck.
Nara, Japan

Buddha's Nostril

Devoted Buddhists can earn enlightenment in the next life by crawling through this symbolic nostril.
Kuwana-shi, Japan

Nabana No Sato

These Japanese gardens are blankets of light for dark winter nights.
Takayama, Japan

Forest of Seven Lucky Gods

The divine septet of Japanese fortune gods are rendered in 1,000 year old wood at this peaceful site.
Kobe, Japan

Kobe Luminarie

An astounding annual light display honors the victims of one of Japan's most devastating earthquakes.
Nikko, Japan

Kanmangafuchi Abyss

A remarkable lava formation encloses a line of Buddhist statues that can't be accurately counted, according to local mythology.
Kumejima-chō, Japan

Tatami-ishi (Tatami Rocks)

Unusual hexagonal rocks formed by cooling lava named for their resemblance to traditional Japanese tatami mats.
Aomori, Japan

Showa Daibutsu

The tallest bronze seated statue of the Buddha in Japan.
Kyonan, Japan

Mount Nokogiri (Saw Mountain)

This sawtooth mountain range still bears the strangely lovely marks of its history as a medieval quarry.
Tokyo, Japan

Alice on Wednesday

Go through the looking glass in Tokyo's Wonderland-themed shop.
Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Electric Town

Once a black market electronics marketplace, now an otaku shopper's paradise.
Tokyo, Japan

Shakaden Reiyukai Temple

Starship-temple contains 400 tons of drinking water and offers free Japanese lessons.
Hakone, Japan

Owakudani Black Eggs

Legend holds eating just one of these black eggs can add seven years to one's life.
Iwaizumi, Japan

Ryūsendō Cave

A massive cave complex boasts some of the clearest water (and most charming bats) in the world.