aburl80c's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Lima, Peru
Places added to Yokohama, Japan
Places edited in Yokohama, Japan
Places visited in Hatsukaichi, Japan
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Lima, Peru


The remains of what was the most important religious complex in coastal Peru for over a millennium.
Lima, Peru

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

The mortal remains of an estimated 70,000 people lie in the basement of a monastery in Lima, Peru.
Corbett, Oregon

Multnomah Falls

A roaring, awe-inspiring double cascade of icy water flows through woodland Oregon like something out of a Tolkien novel.
Benson, Arizona

Kartchner Caverns

Limestone caves with spectacular showcase chambers.
Carlsbad, California

The Flower Fields

Stripes of flowers bloom each spring in a 50 acre rainbow of color.
San Diego, California

San Diego Museum of Us

An extraordinarily ornate museum in San Diego holds wondrous anthropological treasures.
Hatsukaichi, Japan

Itsukushima Shrine

This Japanese national treasure was originally built in 593.
Hatsukaichi, Japan

World's Largest Rice Scoop

This enormous "shamoji" means more to the people of Miyajima than just a way getting rice onto a plate.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima's Hypocenter

A plaque marks the site directly below the mid-air detonation of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome.
Nara, Japan

Tōdai-ji Daibutsuden (The Great Buddha Hall)

This massive wooden building contains a giant Buddha, healing pillars, and tame deer wandering the grounds.
Tokyo, Japan

Meguro Parasitological Museum

Meet the world's longest tapeworm in a collection that really gets under your skin.
Yokohama, Japan

Hara Model Railway Museum

The largest collection of model trains in the world is actually run using full-size locomotive technology.
Sequoia National Park, California

General Sherman

Quite simply the largest tree in the world (by volume).
Florence, Oregon

Sea Lion Caves

Only known mainland rookery of the threatened Stellar sea lion.
Palomar Mountain, California

Palomar Observatory

A world-class observatory in the California desert.
San Diego, California

Whaley House

San Diego's most historic and haunted home.
San Diego, California

San Diego Model Railroad Museum

North America's largest accredited model railroad museum.
North Vancouver, British Columbia

Capilano Suspension Bridge

This expansive bridge in the Canadian wilderness was originally just built for friends.
Leavenworth, Washington

Leavenworth's Bavarian Village

One small town in the Pacific Northwest transformed itself into a Bavarian-themed tourist destination.
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend City Hall

City Council meetings still happen in this historic building, impeccably preserved on the inside.
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This famous bridge twisted itself into oblivion, but not for the reason you might think.
Yokohama, Japan

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

This historical theme park celebrates all things noodle.
Tokyo, Japan

Alcatraz ER

Japan's corrupt-mental-institution themed restaurant offers diners a chance to eat inside of filthy cells.