asabry's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Farmington, New Mexico
Places edited in Farmington, New Mexico
Places edited in Dolores, Colorado
Places edited in Cripple Creek, Colorado
Places edited in Trinidad, Colorado
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Farmington, New Mexico

Bisti Badlands

Seemingly grown on some other world, these New Mexico rock formations look like a disused science fiction set.
Teec Nos Pos, Utah

Four Corners Monument

The marker offers a rare chance to be in four U.S. states at once, though there's some controversy over its geographic accuracy.
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mesa Verde National Park

The ancient dwellings of the Puebloans, located in the cliffs of majestic mesas.
Golden, Colorado

Mines Museum of Earth Science

An impressive collection of over 50,000 minerals including moon rock from the Apollo 17 mission.
Calhan, Colorado

Paint Mines Interpretive Park

Wondrous sandstone hoodoos where Native Americans collected clay for pottery, 9,000 years ago.
Trinidad, Colorado

Ludlow Massacre Site

The scene of one of the darkest moments in American labor history has been left essentially untouched since the tragedy.
Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Vindicator Valley Trail

This Colorado hiking trail provides a small gold mine of abandoned gold mines.
Dawson, New Mexico

Dawson Ghost Town

All that remains of this abandoned coal town is a beautiful, haunting cemetery.
Aspen, Colorado

Ashcroft Townsite

Silver in the hills led to the speedy creation of this boom town and a lack of it saw the town abandoned nearly as quickly.
Farmington, New Mexico

Crow Canyon Petroglyphs

One of the American Southwest's most extensive collections of Navajo rock art.
Dolores, Colorado

Geyser Spring Trail

Colorado's only true geyser is hidden within the San Juan National Forest.