jstall7's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Peoria, Illinois

'Peace' and 'Harvest' Sculptures

These Depression-era WPA sculptures have made a couple of stops over the years.
Harvey, Illinois

Dixie Square Mall

Urban explorers embraced America's now demolished first suburban mall, south of Chicago.
Rockford, Illinois

Anderson Japanese Gardens

This lush 12-acre site was once named the finest Japanese garden in North America.
Silvis, Illinois

Hero Street USA

Lined with plaques and tributes to veterans, this patriotic street was founded by Mexican immigrants.
Des Plaines, Illinois

Maine North High School

Where a brain, a beauty, a jock, a rebel, and a recluse met one Saturday and changed their lives forever.
Chicago, Illinois

Puerto Rican Flag Sculptures

Huge abstract sculptures of the Puerto Rican Flag.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Stock Exchange Trading Room

Once at the center of U.S. finance, the historic Trading Room was meticulously recreated piece by piece and rebuilt in the Art Institute.
Chicago, Illinois

Historic Garfield Station Entrance

The original Garfield station is the oldest station facility on the "L", with the station house dating from 1892.
Collinsville, Illinois

Illinois Woodhenge

Fresh wooden posts have been added to ancient holes to recreate a primitive henge clock.
Chicago, Illinois

Heaven On Seven

Hidden on the 7th floor of a historic building, this Cajun spot features wall-to-wall bottles of hot sauce.
Chicago, Illinois

Rosenberg Statue

A goddess-topped water fountain in Chicago was created thanks to the dreams of a thirsty newsboy.
Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Correctional Center

A historic and oft-filmed prison stands in a Chicago suburb.
Chester, Illinois

Popeye Character Trail

The hometown of Popeye's creator is littered with a growing collection of granite cartoon characters.
Chicago, Illinois

Essanay Studios

This landmark of the Chicago silent film industry may not be in the picture business anymore but it still stands proudly.
Chicago, Illinois

The Garfield-Clarendon Model Railroad Club

This small, but long-running hobby club has built one of the largest model rail lines in the US.
Chicago, Illinois

Poetry Foundation Library

The 30,000-volume library is one of the world's most impressive poetry collections.
Chicago, Illinois

The remains of "Polish Broadway"

Where old school Polish Chicago and young hipster Chicago live side by side.
Lucas, Kansas

Jim Dickerman's Open Range Zoo

A Kansas grassroots sculptor decorates the local roadways with his sculptures made from found objects.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
Las Vegas, Nevada


These banned cigarette vending machines now sell little pieces of pocket-sized art.
Afton, Wyoming

World's Largest Elkhorn Arch

This town is home to the world’s largest arch constructed entirely of elk antlers.
Bar Nunn, Wyoming

Bar Nunn

A small town built on an abandoned airfield has former runways as streets and a bar and grill in an old airplane hangar.
Jackson, Wyoming

National Museum of Wildlife Art

One of the largest collections of wildlife art in the United States, built into the side of a cliff in rural Wyoming.
Rawlins, Wyoming

Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum

This prison-turned-museum is a remnant of the Old West's grizzly, violent past.