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Places visited in Stockport, England
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Leeds, England

The Black Prince

This sculpture of Edward of Woodstock is surrounded by eight Victorian lamp bearers.
Leeds, England

'The Boules Player'

This sculpture celebrates a boules tournament and the link between Leeds and its twin city Lille.
Leeds, England


Winner of the Leeds Award for Architecture and the Environment.
Leeds, England

'Out of the Earth'

Since 1995, two red-painted metal figures have guarded the entrance to the Northern Ballet.
Leeds, England

Horned Helmet of Henry VIII

The bizarre headgear looks like it was made for a fool, not a king.
Leeds, England

Royal Armouries Museum

One of three sites in England that house the National Collection of Arms and Armour.
Plymouth, England

Tinside Lido

A 1930s Art Deco swimming pool with a design inspired by grand ocean liners.
London, England

Aldgate Pump

This pump on the bad side of Victorian London betrayed a horrifying revelation about the water supply.
London, England

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Children's hospital in London that operates on royalties received from Peter Pan, which J.M. Barrie signed over in 1929.
London, England

Hunterian Museum

The anatomical-pathological collection of a man who changed surgery.
Loughborough, England

'The Sockman'

This bare, bronze lad in a lone sock sits in the middle of Loughborough’s town center.
Derbyshire, England

Horse-Powered Ore Crusher

These crude contraptions were used to aid in the mining of lead, silver and gold.
Derbyshire, England

Blue John Cavern

Semi-precious Blue John stones have been mined in this cavern system for centuries.
Castleton, England

Peak Cavern's Rope Factory

Some of England's last cave dwellers lived and worked within this huge cave.
Buxton, England

Solomon's Temple

This landmark Victorian folly rewards visitors with spectacular views over the Peak District.
Buxton, England

The Devonshire Dome

Once the largest unsupported dome in the world, beating out the Pantheon and St Peters in Rome.
York, England

National Railway Museum York

The National Railway Museum in York is the largest railway museum in the world, attracting almost 1 million visitors per year.
Gdańsk, Poland

Gdańsk Shipyard

A floundering Polish shipyard was once the soul of the Solidarity movement that capsized communism.
Hong Kong

HSBC Building Feng Shui Cannons

Two cannon-like cranes were installed on top of the bank building to fend off bad feng shui.
Hong Kong

Central-Mid-Levels Escalators

The world's longest outdoor covered escalator system transports commuters through Hong Kong's hilly terrain.
Hong Kong

Chungking Mansions

Teeming with illegal goods and services, this towering maze of vice is also a popular tourist accommodation.
Cornwall, England

The Eden Project

The largest greenhouse in the world is home to over one million types of plants.
Beijing, China

798 Art District

This probably wasn't what Mao had in mind.
Beijing, China

Beijing Ancient Observatory

This ancient Chinese observatory still contains early astronomy technology.