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Isle of Rum, Scotland

Kinloch Castle

This once-majestic, now-abandoned Victorian castle has seen better days.
East Ayrshire, Scotland

Scottish Dark Sky Observatory

This observatory within Europe's first dark sky park offers stunning views of the night sky.
East Kilbride, Scotland

Mains Castle

This castle was first occupied in the 1400s and has undergone major restoration in recent times.
Cumbernauld, Scotland

The Carrick Stone

An ancient Roman altar named after Robert the Bruce.
Prestopans, Scotland

'Athena' Memorial Statue

A monument honoring 81 residents of this Scottish town who were executed for witchcraft in the 16th century.
Newton Mearns, Scotland

Mearns Castle

Attached to this castle is a local church.
Cupar, Scotland

Covenanter's Grave

Beneath this headstone lie the severed body parts of three individuals who were caught up in a bloody period of Scottish history.
Kilmichael Glassary, Scotland

Dunadd Fort

Believed to be the capital of the the ancient kingdom of Dál Riata.
Ayr, Scotland

The Poets Path

These unique weather vanes honor Scotland's most famous bard and decorate this walkway.
Irvine, Scotland

Seagate Castle

Once the overnight home of Mary Queen of Scots.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilmuir Cemetery

An unpaid bill, a stolen stone, and a famous fashion designer rest peacefully alongside a heroine of Highlands history.
Port Charlotte, Scotland

Museum Of Islay Life

A former church that has been chronicling the Scottish island of Islay's rich history since the 70s.
Dailly, Scotland

Dalquharran Castle

The ruins of this magnificent Scottish castle blend both Gothic and Renaissance architectural styles.
Crail, Scotland

North Carr Stone Beacon

The remains of a 19th-century carving of what was to be a signal light on the Firth of Forth Estuary.
Invermoriston, Scotland

St. Columba's Well

It's believed this well was once plagued with evil spirits until St. Columba purified the water.
Shandwick, Scotland

Clach a' Charridh

A beautifully-carved Pictish stone encased in a protective glass structure.
Mochrum, Scotland

Drumtroddan Standing Stones

These stones date back to the 3rd or 2nd millennium B.C.
Strichen, Scotland

Strichen Stone Circle

This ancient monument has been dissembled and put back together at least twice.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Fairy Flag of Dunvegan Castle

Inside a Scottish castle hangs the tattered remains of a flag with murky origins and supposed magic powers.
Hume, Scotland

Hume Castle

From fortification to folly, this hilltop structure has undergone many changes in the last 800 years.
Creetown, Scotland

Glenquicken Stone Circle

A gap marks the spot where a now-missing stone once completed the circular arrangement at this Neolithic site.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Dunfermline's Wallace Well

Did the legendary Scottish knight William Wallace actually take refuge here after a major battle?
Wigtown, Scotland

Torhouse Stone Circle

A circle made up of 19 boulders has stood in Scotland's Bladnoch Valley for some 4,000 years.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Aikey Brae Stone Circle

Considered "the most original, complete, and unimproved" circles in Aberdeenshire.