BabsVK's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hamburg, Germany

Impaled Skull of Klaus Stortebeker

Executed in 1401, Exhumed in 1878, Stolen in 2010.
Heidelberg, Germany

The Prinzhorn Collection

A collection of artworks exclusively created by the mentally ill that was almost burned by Nazi culture police.
Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, Germany

Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (Lake Dwelling Museum)

This museum tells the story of lake dwellers from 4000 BC to 850 BC, replete with stilt houses and goats.
Cham, Germany

Chammünster Ossuary

In 1830, cemetery workers in Cham unearthed a chamber housing thousands of skeletal remains from the 13th century, which can still be viewed today.
Munich, Germany

Kunstkammer Georg Laue

One man's personal kunstkammer, museum and shop.
Königswinter, Germany


This temple to the sturm and drang of Richard Wagner contains a dragon's cave and reptile zoo full of living "dragons."
Berchtesgaden, Germany

Berchtesgaden Salt Mine

Dress up like a miner and take a slide into the disco-lit depths of this once foundational salt mine.
Oppenau, Germany

Kloster Allerheiligen

This ancient ruined monastery has been destroyed by fire so many times that it seems like God hates it.
Hanover, Germany


Striking occult iconography on a medieval German church.
Oberhausen, Germany

Gasometer Oberhausen

An industrial relic is now one of Europe's most staggering art spaces.
Schleswig, Germany

The Bog Bodies at the Schleswig-Holstein Landesmuseum

Ample proof that watery ends make for well-preserved, millenia-old mummies.
Leipzig, Germany

Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)

This incredible stone temple is a monument to death, victory, and fantasy architecture.
Kassel, Germany

Museum of Sepulchral Culture

This German museum is devoted to all aspects of grave culture from headstones to coffins.
Sankt Andreasberg, Germany

Teufelskanzel & Hexenaltar

Goethe's "Faust" was inspired by these rock formations known as the "Devil's Pulpit" and "Witches' Altar."
Munich, Germany

Deutsches Jagd und Fischereimuseum (German Museum of Hunting and Fishing)

Housed in an old church, this hunting museum holds a collection of mythical bird-rabbit creatures.
Worms, Germany

Jewish Cemetery in Worms

The oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe survived Hitler's Germany.
Oppenheim, Germany

Michaelskapelle Ossuary

This German bone house contains the remains of some 20,000 souls.
Berlin, Germany

Hohenzollern Crypt in the Berlin Cathedral

Beneath the impressive baroque cathedral that rises from the center of Berlin lies the largest collection of Prussian royals in the world.
Grünwald, Germany

Bavaria Filmstadt

This German version of Universal Studios holds a vault of treasures from the NeverEnding Story.
Herzberg am Harz, Germany

Unicorn Cave

What was once thought to be a wellspring of unicorn bones is actually just a prehistoric burial site.
Lübben, Germany


Explore the complex ecology of this multifaceted nature preserve by riverboat.
Duisburg, Germany

Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain

No need to strap in for a "ride" on this walkable roller coaster.
Büren, Germany

Castle of Wewelsburg

This unique Renaissance castle was turned into a home for Nazi occultism.
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany


Between Neo-Pagans and Neo-Nazis, these strange rock formations have a curious cult following and a very strange history.