adamarmin49's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Câmpina, Romania

Iulia Hasdeu Castle

This eccentric folly house was designed by Romanian thinker Bogdan-Petriceicu Hasdeu, with a helping hand from his deceased daughter's spirit.
Sighișoara, Romania

Towers of Sighișoara

Nine centuries-old fortresses guard the walls of this medieval Romanian city.
Sibiu, Romania

Sibiu's Houses with Eyes

Something's watching you.
Poznań, Poland

Poznan June 1956 Monument

An impressive monument to Poland's independence.
Chełmno, Poland

Pieces of St. Valentine's Skull

The relics are stored in a silver reliquary, where they can be seen through glass.
Krakow, Poland

Kopiec Wandy (Wanda Mound)

An artificial hill and apparent calendric structure built in the Early Middle Ages immortalizes a legendary Polish princess.
Sanok, Poland

Museum of Folk Architecture

An open-air museum of 18th-century homes and churches transported from various villages in Southern Poland.
Karpacz, Poland

Karpacz's Gravitational Anomaly

On this Polish road, an optical illusion makes cars seem to roll uphill.
Leba, Poland

Nazi Rocket Test Site

This open-air museum was originally a World War II testing ground for German missiles and rockets.
Gdańsk, Poland

Fahrenheit Monument

This antique thermometer honors the creator of the first universal temperature scale.